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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. 2 options: 1. Via Resolution > Mutual Cancellation. It will affect your stats 2. Via Fiverr Support > Request them to cancel the order on their own. It might not affect your stats but your performance metric will be dropped and you might not be able to see your gig in gig search results for a while.
  2. Are you answering your own question? 😳🤦‍♀️ Why bother doing this? 🙄
  3. Yes... Whatever.. Staying Active/Online is Useless so focus more on gig optimization..
  4. Due to cancellation of your order, your performance and other metrics have dropped. That's why you are not doing well. So start optimizing your gigs and perform better.
  5. Simple: You won't get any orders if you don't work hard or optimize your gigs.. Who said that Forum is related to Fiverr gigs 🤦🏻‍♀️ Well you can do research regarding your niche on Fiverr and then improve your gig images, description.. I am not sure that what actually have you replied to me.. but don't lose hope.. Try your luck again.. Exposing myself? 🤔 We are trying to guide you but you are not understanding a single word.. Anyhow up to you.. Good Luck
  6. Well if impressions are increasing day by day then it means your gigs are being shown to buyers. If not, then it means you need to optimize your gigs further such as gig images, gig descriptions, tag which you really have to do at the moment (Checked your profile). You have not added your portfolio via gig images. So kindly add them. Good Luck
  7. These tips have been helpful for you since November 2021? Since then, you have made 9 sales on Fiverr yet So Staying Active Online is Useless. You claim yourself to be Digital Marketer and SEO expert so do you think Social Media Sharing also helped you in increasing impressions or getting order? So I'll encourage you to do not advise anyone else because you are not in position to do so.
  8. You have not just started on Fiverr.. Your account says that it was created in January 2022? 🤔 Anyhow.. Read this thread. Ignore Buyer Requests as it's no more on Fiverr.
  9. Read this thread and ignore Buyer Requests part as we have Get Briefs now instead of it.
  10. Question: Did you really do it? Means bought fake reviews for yourself?
  11. The account which you are using is not working for you? I can see that you have created 1 gig already. Then what's the problem? Why are you trying to create a new account.. Definitely it won't be approved because that's your 2nd account
  12. Don't you know that creating a 2nd account on Fiverr is prohibited 🙄 and you cannot create a new account. Fiverr did the right thing that they did not approve your new account. You need to read the Terms of Services I guess: https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service Also, what's wrong with the existing account?
  13. Unfortunately, you cannot create a 2nd Payoneer account using your own details. Discuss with Payoneer Live Chat Agents first regarding your concerns.
  14. They deserve those 20% cut because Fiverr has provided you a free platform where you can showcase your skills and can earn online by selling your services. With those 20% cut, Fiverr takes care of everything such as security, website maintenance etc.. Have you ever tried other freelancing websites where they ask you for enrolling for membership or pay them to increase the bid numbers (apologies, I cannot mention the exact names of those platforms).. So far, Fiverr is the best freelancing platform in terms of everything!
  15. Why do you want to deactivate the account? Any reason?
  16. What's wrong with it? It's fine, don't worry about it.. Fiverr has updated the color of button. Do some research on other seller's gigs then you'll see the same.
  17. Well it would be better if you ask your designer that send the files without watermark so that you can send them for print. (Designer delivered her work via Deliver Work button but with watermark).
  18. Kindly read it: https://www.fiverr.com/levels As a new seller, you can add 7 gigs.
  19. Kindly read this article: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4404324058513
  20. It's because you are offering those services which are forbidden on Fiverr i.e. assignments and projects. Sooner or later, your account is gonna banned by Fiverr!
  21. So you think that you won't face the same issues in new account? 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️. It's common and you have to learn to face these issues in freelancing world also. Do some research first regarding your niche on Fiverr and improve your gigs (images, tags, descriptions).. Enable Get Briefs too.
  22. You still have not answered my question: Why do you want to deactivate your account?
  23. Really? You have been on Fiverr since November 2021 and you have made Zero Sales yet. Do you think by staying active more on Fiverr help you?? Why are you giving advices even they were not helpful to you too? Kindly avoid advising others if you have zero experience on Fiverr! 🙏🤦‍♀️
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