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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. I don't know what actually your services are so you will have to do it on your own. For this purpose, you can do some research first on Fiverr regarding your niche to observe how other sellers have created their gigs. But do not copy them. Just observe and implement the changes in your gig.
  2. Well without adding your portfolio in gig gallery, your impressions and clicks won't increase. So it is recommended to add your portfolio (previous work) via images/PDF/video. Secondly, your gig titles are so confusing. "build wix website wix website development wix website redesign wix wix seo" and "do wix website redesign wix website design wix website development wix website" Why repeating WIX word 4 or 5 times in each title? It does not make sense to me. Work on your gigs (both gig gallery and gig descriptions)
  3. Hello too Kindly read this thread except Buyer Requests part.
  4. I think you need to understand first that Fiverr and Google are two separate things. Both works differently. Regarding Orders: WordPress is one of the highly competitive niche on Fiverr among other categories (I guess) so you need to optimize your gigs i.e. improve your gig gallery (add your previous work/portfolio in a creative way). Work on your gig descriptions as well. Why have you introduced yourself in gig description? Your own description in Profile is enough for your introduction. Remove your intro from gig descriptions.
  5. Hi too Due to one 4.7* review (1 week ago), your promoted gig feature got disqualified and your gig also lost its ranking because other sellers of the same niche like yours performed better than you. And your buyer satisfaction rate also might be dropped. Well, you can improve your gig gallery. Too much text on images is not recommended as gig description describes your gig. Improve your gig gallery (images/videos/PDF).
  6. No. You will get a warning by doing this or it might lead it to account suspension so avoid it.
  7. Stop advising or suggesting tips then if you have zero experience on Fiverr. Kindly avoid it. 🙏
  8. Read this thread then you will get to know that is Auto-Refresher safe to use or not?
  9. If you have good amount of clicks but not getting orders then it means your gig is not strong enough to attract buyer's attention. Hence, you need to optimize your gigs (improve your gig gallery and gig descriptions).
  10. No one in the Forum can help you with it. Contact Payoneer via Live Chat and discuss your concerns with them. P.S. Fiverr has already transferred your funds successfully to Payoneer so it's the issue at Payoneer's end as Fiverr has done its job.
  11. Hello too There is no such payment methods on Fiverr. On Fiverr, we have Payoneer (Revenue Card and Bank Transfer) and PayPal. You are from Pakistan so only Payoneer (Revenue Card and Bank Transfer) will work for you. So $3 will be deducted per transaction (from Fiverr to Payoneer - Card or Bank Tranfer).
  12. Buyer Request is no more on Fiverr. We have Get Briefs feature now as its replacement. Read the thread below: P.S. I'll encourage you to browse the Forum and read all topics regarding new updates on Fiverr etc.
  13. Yes.. Sooner or Later, they get banned too 😑
  14. Buyer Request is no more on Fiverr. Instead of that, we have Get Briefs feature. Kindly read this thread:
  15. Reason of using it? If to stay active on Fiverr, then it is Useless (both auto-refresher and staying active).
  16. I already gave you suggestions. Read suggestions in the below message (purple colored text)
  17. Your own click will be counted but it does not matter. What matters is that you are not gonna get any orders by doing this. So focus on your gigs so that others can click and place their orders on your gigs.
  18. Kindly avoid suggesting tips as you have made your account in April 2023 and have zero sales too so you are not in position to advise anything yet. 🙏
  19. Then are you gonna place an order for yourself? 👀 It's not gonna help you. You need to work on your gigs for buyers so that they can place their orders on your gigs. Add your portfolio in gig gallery as well as improve your gig descriptions
  20. Kindly read this article. It has your answer: https://www.fiverr.com/levels P.S. Number of gigs is associated with Levels
  21. Kindly check the page and click on each feature (left side): https://www.fiverr.com/support/sections/13701504441617-Seller-Plus-benefits-and-features Edit: But it does not help in getting orders. For that, you need to work hard on your profile (gigs). (Honestly, I have not joined Seller Plus yet but have knowledge about it. Seller Plus Users have shared their experience in the Forum)
  22. Read the suggestions again and work on it
  23. You are "Google and facebook specialist" then why have not you tried to use your expertise for yourself since last 9 months? With these gig gallery (images), you are not gonna get any order so work on it. Present your portfolio in a creative way. Please elaborate it: How Do You Sell Snowshoes to a Camel? My Audience will do Research Just That. What is it? 😑 Languages: English - Native/Bilingual > Kindly change it because it's not your native language. Change it to Basic (suggesting this after checking your gig descriptions and your question here). Improve your gig descriptions as well.
  24. Remove period (dot) at the end of Spain word and then try it.
  25. You have joined Fiverr 2 days ago then you need to give some time to your gigs like 2-4 days then see the results on impressions and click. Till then wait. If impressions/clicks increases (after 2-4 days) then it's fine else improve your gig gallery and gig descriptions Just checked your profile. 4 months ago, you received 2* rating and buyer has specifically mentioned that you have not performed well on his/her project so take that review and learn your lesson means you need to improve your buyer satisfaction rate (which in actual dropped because of it).. Deliver quality work and improve your services. Also you need to work on gig gallery. I cannot see your portfolio in it? Add your portfolio and present your previous work in a creative way. WordPress is a highly competitive niche on Fiverr so make your gigs more stand out among others. Do some research on Fiverr regarding your niche.
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