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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Any gig in Paused/Denied/Drafts mode? If yes, then delete that gig and create the 4th gig. If not, then contact Fiverr Support and discuss with them.
  2. Don't wait for it because TRS is manually hand-picked by the Fiverr Team. Just keep delivering the quality services. Read the following articles: Link 1: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/15140188560913-Top-Rated Source: Fiverr Help Center > Selling on Fiverr > Statistics & seller dashboards Link 2: https://www.fiverr.com/cp/success-score-explained Source: Fiverr.com
  3. With the help of Marketing, you cannot get any orders? If you start getting orders, your gigs will start ranking better too. You are still not expert at Marketing yet I guess that's why you don't know the power of it.
  4. Aren't you a Marketing Expert? If yes, then have you ever tried your expertise for your own account/gigs? Other reason: Why have you used the same gig image (primary) in two of your gigs?
  5. Hi too I am able to see your personal description on your profile. Refresh your page and check again, See an inserted image below:
  6. Really? How do you know these things when you have never created a gig? Oh I forgot. ChatGPT and Google are there to help you in finding the right answers because you have zero knowledge on it.
  7. Contact Payoneer Team via Live Chat regarding it.
  8. If you are getting orders, then you should focus only on it. Forget impressions and clicks for a while if things are fine at your end (getting orders still).
  9. I am sorry but you are not being understandable.. not even trying to be.. We are trying to guide you and sorting out your issue but nothing is working for you. So I wish you good luck. No more guidance or questions from my side!
  10. Account related issues cannot be resolved here, also no one can help you with his issue here on the Forum so better to contact Fiverr Support. Only they can help you with this issue.
  11. We both know very well that no one will admit his/her mistakes even they made those mistakes. Question is: Why Fiverr will flag his account among millions of others sellers on Fiverr without any reason? And seriously I could not understand what he has written to me? Loyalty towards the platform? 🤦🏻‍♀️ Edit: There is another possibility that his buyer might have reported him due to any reason?
  12. Contact Fiverr Support and ask for the clear reason/explanation again.
  13. I need to know why your account is banned. Is it done by mistake (Fiverr's mistake) or you really have violated the rules. If you have violated the rules then you can do nothing. Secondly, you did not ask for suggestions. Kindly read your own topic first. Not everything's Fiverr's fault. It might be your mistake too. Admit them!
  14. Why would they share the source of information with us? Don't you know that they want to keep secrets from us. Shhh.. shhhh (means they have no source of information and they are blabbering here without thinking anything like they are expert.)
  15. If you use any Auto Refresh Extension, your account will most likely to be disabled. And don't try to become a robot. Get online whenever you have to do something on Fiverr i.e. deliver order, response to buyer's messages, gig updates, check notifications etc. Staying online won't help you with anything else.. neither your clicks or impressions will improve nor you will get order like this.
  16. Indeed.. She has nothing to do on Fiverr. Instead of liking everything on the Forum, she should learn how to get orders. But no. Liking every comment is better than getting orders for her. Sometimes, I feel I should do "🙏" to her
  17. Like @ana_tomy suggested, contact your Bank regarding it. Only bank can help you with it now. Start reading TOS: https://www.fiverr.com/legal-portal/legal-terms/terms-of-service
  18. Reason of your account being flagged? What were those 2 reasons?
  19. True. I literally got almost 90+ notifications yesterday which were only hers
  20. Hi too Sorry to hear about your bad experience but why did you provide him your bank details when you knew that sharing personal details on Fiverr is strictly prohibited? I think you have not read TOS yet. Fiverr cannot help you in this regard I guess but still contact Fiverr Support regarding it.
  21. Did you use any VPN or proxy? Public Wi-Fi? Second Hand/Used Laptop etc.?
  22. Contact Fiverr Support regarding it because account related issues cannot be resolved here on the Forum.
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