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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Due to your inactivity, Fiverr has paused your gigs. Contact Fiverr Support. They will give you some instructions to follow, afterwards your gigs will be activated.
  2. May be they are on leave due to holidays.
  3. Submit your CV There is no job on Fiverr, only orders are.
  4. Well it's probably due to 4* review which you received 4 months ago. There is a possiblilty that buyer might have left you not a good private review. Secondly, you are getting orders via Promoted Gigs and Repeat Clients then you should be grateful that at least you are getting orders. Many sellers are not getting orders these days. December is the month of holidays for majority clients so don't worry. Just focus on delivering the orders. Things will be back to track soon hopefully!
  5. Actually, the Forum is full of those type of questions and if OP ever try to search it, then the answers can easily be found. We are literally tired of answering the same questions continuously so I think we should let OP to find the answer of his question on his own. P.S. We were not arguing. We were stating the facts which you were finding them hard to accept. Anyway..
  6. Read the following topic and ignore content on Buyer Request:
  7. You can change the gig title as much as you want but remember one thing that the URL of gig won't be changed. It will be the same/permanent like your very first gig title.
  8. I did not misunderstood anything.. It's you who is giving wrong advices to others. A lot of changes have been made since last one year so you need to get knowledge about those things first. I will say again that "Staying Online is useless because it does not help you with anything else".
  9. Those languages (his Russian & German) could be worse too.. but what matters the most is English. If he is being honest in mentioning being Conversational in Russian and German then why not in English? That's what was bothering me. 👀
  10. Please do us a favor: Change your English language settings from Fluent to Basic or Conversational.
  11. With the help of your own Facebook Ads, you might be able to do wonders. Get knowledge about Fiverr first. Read the following topic and ignore content on Buyer Request:
  12. Indeed, same like I,ROBOT Movie.. those were the great robots and perfect for the users too who wants to stay online all the time.
  13. Give it 2-3 days meanwhile keep an eye on impressions and clicks.
  14. Don't you know? Just to learn: How to become a Robot that can stay wide awake for 24/7.
  15. Just a Question for you: What is the point of asking these questions when you don't even know that Fiverr is actually an Israeli freelancing platform.
  16. You should know the answer of your own question because you claim yourself to be a Digital Marketing Expert. Anyhow, improve your gig galleries (of both gigs) as they are not good enough to grab buyer's attention.
  17. I am sorry but your primary gig image of all gigs are kind of too distracting. Please improve them further. For this purpose, you can do research on Fiverr regarding your niche to observe how other sellers are using their gig images in gig galleries.
  18. Why are you suggesting this tip when you have 13 reviews since May 2022? For sure, staying online did not help you too so stop misguiding others. Staying online does not help you with anything else. You should focus on yourself first rather than guiding others.
  19. Get knowledge about Fiverr first. Read the following topic and ignore content on Buyer Request:
  20. Aren't you a Digital Marketing Expert? If you cannot do anything for yourself then how will you work for your buyers? Start using your Digital Marketing expertise for yourself. Also, improve your gig galleries (of all gigs) as they are not attractive for buyers.
  21. I don't understand one thing: Why do you want to stay online for 24/7? Any reason? Get online whenever you need to do something on Fiverr like respond to buyer's messages, orders, check notifications, gig editing etc. Staying online all the time won't help you in getting orders.
  22. You can use the links only which are mentioned in an inserted image else no. Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011421218-Gig-policies (Read Approved URLs part) Source: Fiverr Help Center > Gigs > Creating your Gig
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