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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Don't worry, next webinars will be the same too i.e. waste of time.
  2. Speechless!! Whom should we believe now? What should I do with this then ⬇️ Should I ignore this?
  3. Yeah.. right after 14th March 2024 when every seller will be demoted based on new level system. Nothing is gonna happen I think. I mean Fiverr is not gonna think of us.. They are happy with their Product Releases so just wait and see what happens after 14th March 2024. But it's for sure that everyone will start backlashing again once the new level system is fully rolled out on 14th March 2024.
  4. Hi too. Kindly read the following thread and ignore content on Buyer Requests:
  5. The red highlighted text is not making any sense. Try different wordings. Omit 100 percent accurate and add these into your gig description. Secondly, you should do some research regarding your niche on Fiverr first to observe what kind of gig titles you can use and choose for yourself. Read the following thread: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/297408-using-titles-tags-and-metadata-to-optimize-your-gigs/
  6. Hello too What gig title are you trying to put? Let us know so that we can guide you accordingly.
  7. Hi too. Check the following links on Success Score: Link 1: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/21965360854673-Success-score (Source: Fiverr Help Center > Selling on Fiverr > Statistics & seller dashboards) Link 2: https://www.fiverr.com/cp/success-score-explained
  8. Read the following thread so that you can learn more about Fiverr. Ignore content on Buyer Requests:
  9. Hi too Read the following thread so that you can learn more about Fiverr. Ignore content on Buyer Requests:
  10. Hi too It's because of your public reviews: two 1* reviews (1 month ago and 3 months ago) plus one 3.7* (3 months ago) + one 4.3* (2 weeks ago) and 4* reviews (1 month ago). These buyers might have left you a negative private reviews which is why your gigs seems to be temporarily removed from the search results. Main result is your poor performance. Because of those reviews, your BSR have been dropped too. So it will take 3-6 months to get recovered from the effects of reviews. So try to improve your services and make your buyers happy via quality work.
  11. Read everything here: https://www.fiverr.com/cp/success-score-explained Source: fiverr.com
  12. If buyer is not leaving a review then why the sellers are being punished for it? Also, sellers cannot request their buyers to leave their review which is actually a violation of TOS. It should not be considered a violation now. Also, If not leaving a review is really being measured in success scores, then it is 100% totally wrong!
  13. Aren't you a Social Media Marketer? You should know the answer of your own question. Anyway, your clicks and impressions are not increasing because of your poor gig galleries (sorry to say) mainly primary gig image of each gig is not impressive enough to grab buyer's attention. Work on improving them.
  14. Check if any gig is in Drafts/Paused/Denied mode. Else leave it because, after 14th March 2024, you will be allowed to have only 10 gigs according to new level system.
  15. A slow clap for that mentor who even cannot write the spellings of "Fiverr" properly.
  16. Your 2 gigs might be in Paused/Denied/Drafts mode. Check them. If they are then you won't be able to create 8th gig because as a new seller, new seller can create 7 gigs only. Read this: https://www.fiverr.com/levels (It might be till 14th March, 2024)
  17. Why are you focusing on your being online or not? Just keep an eye on impressions and clicks. These things will tell you that your gigs are being shown to the buyers or not.
  18. Hello too Better to contact Fiverr Support regarding it. They will guide you.
  19. The new level system will be fully launched/rolled out on 14th March 2024 so wait for that day then.
  20. Well actually, you are not eligible for "Using My Portfolio" feature yet. This is why you cannot find it on your profile. Check the link on "Using My Portfolio" shared by @spaintranslator. You will have your answer there.
  21. Never ever provide or share your personal details with anyone on Fiverr.. Wlse you will get a warning (your account will get suspended too). It's a violation of TOS if you share your personal details with your buyers or anyone on Fiverr. Also, never ever contact anyone outside the Fiverr too. If your buyer wants to provide you the materials, then ask him/her to send them over Fiverr Inbox or Place an order and deliver the files via Order page. Yes it violates TOS if you send him your email address, phone number, address etc. Avoid it please. Kindly read the Terms of Services (TOS) again: Link: https://www.fiverr.com/legal-portal/legal-terms/terms-of-service (Read 8.1 Basics part) Source: Fiverr.com
  22. Use the same ticket and ask your question again. Tell them that you have been inactive so want to activate my gigs which are in paused mode. Hopefully, they will fix it for you.
  23. Could you please elaborate first that why have you created duplicate gigs on t-shirt design? Any reason? Any difference in those gigs even out of 4 gigs, 2 gigs have the same gig titles? 3 gigs have same gig descriptions? Why? Fiverr does not work like this way. You need to do some research on Fiverr first that how actually it works. Read the following threads: Ignore content on Buyer Requests:
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