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Everything posted by genuineguidance

  1. You are not supposed to use a picture of someone else you found on the net or wherever - read the TOS. You are not to misrepresent yourself. Why are you worried about having your likeness in your profile? While you are free to use a logo or other drawing type picture for your profile pic, most tend to use their own likeness in order to give a sense of who they are and I would imagine some buyers like knowing the picture is who they are working with. Not all buyers care though, but, whatever you do, do NOT use someone else’s picture you found on the internet. Some come to this site, set up their profile with a picture of some hot chick or famous person thinking that is how you get orders. Nope. You need to actually be offering a service that is needed and that you are proficient in. GG
  2. Stop parroting bad advice. Sitting in front of your computer online waiting for something to happen with Fiverr is NOT how you get orders either. You just joined Fiverr in Dec 2020 and have read 28 minutes of the forum - maybe you should read more before coughing up advice that is not relevant to getting orders here. GG
  3. The number of hearts or favorites your Gig gets does NOT mean you are going to get orders. GG
  4. Why do you do this? How do you do this? What do you mean stay active 24 hours seven days? Yes. That is what he means. Live your life in front of your computer. Do not sleep, eat, shower, play with your kids if you have them or make love to your spouse. Your LIFE is now Fiverr 24/7/365. At least, that seems to be sage advice from some of these gurus. GG
  5. Nice mimicking of @xuntes post. GG
  6. They have. And, if a buyer does a charge back, whether through PayPal or their credit card, Fiverr bans their account. GG
  7. Don’t count on it. They will either tell you to “work it out with your buyer” or as said before, the buyer will cancel the charge or whine to customer service and they will cancel it. But, in the meantime, keep hitting REJECT!!! GG
  8. I don’t think so. With my buyer, I just kept pushing reject over and over and over. I think there was someone here in the forums who stated they had pushed the reject button 400 times or something once! LOL GG
  9. I would keep hitting the reject button! GG
  10. Well, according to the TOS, a buyer cannot cancel due to they “just didn’t like it” as in artistic stuff here. If you followed their guidelines for what they wanted rendered, it sounds to me as though they just want something for free. Have they said what needed to be fixed or what they didn’t like about the illustration? I had a buyer once a long time ago who kept pushing the cancel button - and I knew I did a good job - they just didn’t like the outcome I provided - so, I played that game back and just kept rejecting it! They finally wrote and said, “I am going to give you a bad review!” and I said, “That is fine, but, my time is valuable and I did answer in detail what you wanted to know about”. They gave up on trying to cancel. I never read their review, and I have no idea if they even left one - I don’t look at my reviews, where I am in the pages or impressions/clicks etc. I knew I was in the right, and deserved to be paid. Even though back then, it was only $5!!! I charge a lot more now, which has cut down in the number of “tire kickers” in the last 5 years. GG
  11. What service did you offer and why does this buyer want to cancel? If you are a new seller, there are buyers out there who will play this game and steal your work (time too) pretending that your work was subpar and that they want to cancel. Look, you are going to get hit either way: you agree to cancel, your completion rate goes down; you keep hitting the reject cancellation button and the other guy blinks and gives you a bad review. The only other way this may work out is if you contact Customer Service and ask them to cancel it for you so that it will not affect your completion rate. This is NOT necessarily going to happen though - they will either tell you to work it out with your buyer OR the buyer may just cancel the charge on their credit card etc. Is whatever they do not like fixable? GG
  12. I don’t think you send an invoice to Fiverr to pay tax on a sale you make here. You would have to charge enough for the work you are doing for the client to cover the added tax you need to pay to your government. At least, that is how self-employment or sales tax type things work here for freelancers and business owners in the U.S. GG
  13. Cool! Glad she found someone who understood German well enough to answer! I saw the % thing and thought maybe she didn’t know what Fiverr’s commission was. GG
  14. Are you asking what Fiverr’s take is on an order? If so, it is 20%. I could only make out an idea of what your post said since I do not speak fluent German. GG
  15. In that case, yes, I think the client may be acting a bit shifty here to get free work. Send all your documentation (messages with this seller showing you have done all you can to make it right) to customer service to show you have no reason to cancel this project or sale. GG
  16. Ok, but the point is not that you can read the files or you think they are correct, the client seems to think they are wrong, or they cannot get them to work. So, I would write back to the client and ask them what size these files were supposed to be - try to get to the root of why they are not working for them. Just because they work for you does not mean the client is either missing something in how to work the files or are confused about them. GG
  17. How about asking the buyer what size exactly these files are supposed to be? GG
  18. World domination has to do with how many clients from different countries have ordered from you. I doubt anyone here has 100% domination and has sold to every corner of the world, but, I could be wrong. GG
  19. Of course reviews are great to have, but, if you message your buyer and ask them to leave a review, do not come to the forum whining about how Fiverr said you violated the TOS, and how you lost your rank or have a warning on your account, which affects your ability to get orders and level up. GG
  20. Buyers can review at their own discretion. They do NOT have to give you any sort of review or feedback. I would also suggest to NOT write to them asking for a review - this is a good way to get a violation on your account and risk your level here. Leave the buyer alone. They will review you or give feedback when they choose to. Many NEVER leave a review. GG
  21. I didn’t say it sounded stupid - but, unlikely to find an audience here. Only way you are going to get people to try it here so you can get ratings is to promote yourself outside this site. Perhaps you can guide people from Reddit to Fiverr to buy your Gig if sharing a link over there is not considered spam. What category did you put yourself under on Fiverr? Could be that potential people that would think your service is useful are not finding you because you are not under a category that would put you in front of the right eyes. Also, are you using the right tags so your Gig can be found? GG
  22. I don’t think people choose cologne or perfume based on their personality. They choose it because they can smell it and it appeals to them. I am not sure why your Gig is necessary. Just being honest here. Are YOU making these perfumes to send to the clients here? If so, I can see why you would make a Gig for that, but, I can’t imagine someone is going to order your Gig, explain their personality to you in detail so you can tell them what perfume or cologne to go out and try or buy. GG
  23. What is done? Were you able to reverse it? I thought that when you initiate a withdrawl, you cannot undo it, there is only that clickable link saying to click here to finish it? You should come back and let everyone know if you were able to stop this and how, or if you were able to get your funds back in your Fiverr account by not clicking the link etc. I am sure others may have this question in the future. GG
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