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Everything posted by kevoh2003

  1. Its March, 2024 and people still do these CTRL C + CTR V kind of posts !! 😪
  2. Which SEO did you do😁😂. There's nothing like Search Engine Optimization on fiverr. It only works on Google Should he try TikTok 😁😂
  3. No. You don't have to change your category as long as your skillset lies there. You can just raise your basic package to what the system wants. Maybe something like $30 or more.
  4. Just have an analysis of these gigs worth $5 (basic package) in this category. You will realize, the average prize of both packages surpass $30. For example, one seller's package constitute ($5 basic, $50 standard and $100 premium). If the system weighs his average prize alone (through fiverr's calculation formula), his av. prize easily shoots to $30+. In addition to that, some of these sellers whose gigs are worth $5 are offering gig extras too, combined. That's why you see some $5 gigs on this category. That's the final decision. Your gigs must be set at prices not less than what the system wants
  5. Some of your reviews might be the root of all these. You have got several reviews having this line- "Thank you for another great reading." The funny part, this same review is from one buyer. The system might think you were trying to buy fake reviews from that buyer. I think that's why you keep being flagged.
  6. Who told you this or where did you read it from. You also have got no sales which can prove this idea to be true
  7. That's the reason you haven't managed securing a single order
  8. Website development is a little bit complex service for a mere $5 price. Also, Fiverr's main aim is not only to benefit a buyer/seller. It ensures more profit is generated to the house. That's why prices at this category are pushed to $80. Yes. Some gigs in this category are priced either $5/$15/$50 packages, but when weighted under fiverr's calculation formula their average price goes up to $80 plus- via certain metrics like extras and custom offers.
  9. If I were you, I would browse the forum, rather than re-asking the question. Similar questions like yours are all over the forum. Anyway, your forum activity {including badges} is not related to your fiverr main account. You can only take advantage of feedback from other experienced members here to [grow your fiverr journey/gig].
  10. There are no issues with operating two Fiverr accounts on one Wi-Fi network, as long as two different people are working there, both providing different services and {using different payment methods}.
  11. Were you following the thread? Or you just commented for the sake of it. @Lena did warn on ''external links on a profile'' on this similar thread.
  12. That means their accounts are no longer active on fiverr. A red flag. Just mark as spam. I think you are rather new on the platform. Check on fiverr community standards/ guidelines on spotting potential spams
  13. Maybe you can consider emailing them Here is what fiverr notes on ai tool installation: {Source; fiverr community standards} "Both sellers and buyers are prohibited from using AI tools to spread nonconsensual content, create deepfakes (in a form of video, photo, or audio recording), fake accounts, or generate faces of humans who do not exist for unlawful purposes." The anime girl pics might be the reason of the warning, unless otherwise. Anyway contact the CS and check their response
  14. Which kind of service were you offering? Fiverr might think the service you offer may be spammy and do not want to take the risk. Otherwise, you can drop the CS a line and see what they say.
  15. Hi @salim1965, In all of your gigs, your gig galleries are empty. As a buyer, I wont be fully convinced on hiring you since there's no proof of your past work. Additionally, there's a lot of punctuation errors when describing your gig package. For example, '5,$' on one of your gig packages.
  16. Hi too @ppc_ga4master, Absolutely NO. Fiverr recommends 1 PayPal/Payoneer wallet linked to only 1 fiverr account. I think just to avoid payment errors on such multiple accounts.
  17. Stop spreading this wrong info to newbies, it only attracts potential scammers.
  18. Your last review is 1 year ago. Then, how comes you claim staying active generate orders? Not really. Your gig price should reflect the quality of job you offer
  19. Relax!! You have got zero experience on order cancellation...Copy-pasted answers won't assist you!!
  20. This is the reason you keep attracting scammers
  21. You keep on creating copy-pasted threads that doesn't assist you at all!! Work on your account first!!
  22. Are your target buyers on such platforms? If yes, then you may proceed
  23. Hi, @farrukh_sheh. To add on what @catwriter noted before, this might be the problem. When legit buyers click on your gig, they get more info about your profile and gig. They might find that your introduction and gig descriptions are not well written, i.e. they are AI-generated, there are exaggerations, bad English or FAQ section not filled. Result? Little/no chance of placing an order.
  24. Hi, @marco_bode. This might be the reason. When legit buyers click on your gig they get more info about your profile and gig. They might find that your introduction and gig descriptions are not well written, i.e. they are AI-generated, there are exaggerations, bad English or FAQ section not filled. Result? Little/no chance of placing an order.
  25. In one of your gigs, you claim to be a pro social media marketer. Use that expertise to market your sells. Furthermore, Wordpress seems much competitive.
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