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About dipto_dhar13

  • Birthday 08/30/2004


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  1. Some of my friends think that it is all about luck.
  2. There are already so many articles written by experts. Try to follow those articles.
  3. Try to write something without relying on Chatgpt. You didn't even remove the quotation.
  4. I suggest you to improve your English language skills and spelling abilities.
  5. There are many articles written by experts you can just search for them and follow them.
  6. Before joining Fiverr you should have improved your English. Fiverr is an international marketplace. If you send a message to your buyer with this English it will make a terrible impression.
  7. There are already many articles written by the experts. You should research a bit and find those topics raised by the top-rated freelancer for more valuable information. You can follow this topic. This should help you. Good luck.
  8. Try to follow this topic. This should help you.
  9. In my opinion, Fiverr forum badges have nothing to do with your gig performance. The Fiverr forum is for gaining more knowledge about Fiverr, getting suggestions from experienced freelancers, staying updated about the latest Fiverr updates, etc.
  10. Follow this topic. This should help you.
  11. From my point of view, you should focus on improving your English. As Fiverr is an international marketplace with sellers and buyers from all over the world, it's very important to have good English skills to achieve success. I hope you won't take this negatively.
  12. I'm feeling a little confused at the moment. However, I appreciate your answer.
  13. Thank you for your help. I will keep that in mind.
  14. I'm new to the community. On the website section on my profile should I add my website link or my Fiverr profile link? Thanks in advance.
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