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Everything posted by navid_zafar

  1. "Hi thanks for contacting me. Let's have a Zoom Call to discuss this in a bit more detail."
  2. Its quite un-likely that you will be able to find any buyer here.
  3. You have clearly violated Fiverr's TOS. Any connection outside Fiverr is not allowed, as all communications should take place on the Fiverr platform.
  4. Gig description seems too short and profile doesn't seems complete to me. 1- Consider using bullet points to highlight different key areas. 2- You have added just standard package to your gig, consider using all three. 3- Use all available gig space and don't leave anything blank. e.g FAQ's etc. 4- Input your full energy, a half hearted attemp won't produce good results. 5- See gigs of succesfull sellers from your niche for guidance, DON'T copy paste any stuff from there.
  5. Unnecessarily stuffing keywords in your gig description can negatively impact your gig ranking at the same time.
  6. It seems you have generated multiple tickets for the same issue, which they consider spamming. They likely explained their viewpoint in response to your earlier emails, and it's probable that your frozen account will not be reinstated. You may consider some other options e.g. using other freelancing platforms etc.
  7. Did you reach Fiverr support on this? Try to explain your view point by providing them the evidences.
  8. Honesty is the best policy!
  9. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/15863342952977-Gig-Images-General-Gig-image-guidelines
  10. Let's see if Fiverr listens to Freelancers!
  11. Its not the same for everyone. Majority of freelancers even strugle to get the enough work so that they can earn a handsome amount.
  12. Seems like you haven't got a good private feedbakc on two below orders about 3months ago:
  13. Here is some usefull stuff for you: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/categories/17131506586257-Gigs
  14. What is "short"? Can you please share some more details or a screenshot for a reference?
  15. I am sure you are not confusing Fiverr Pro with Seller Plus. Below are the links to know more about both of them. https://pro.fiverr.com/cp/pro-freelancers?context=bc&source=seller_levels_dashboard https://www.fiverr.com/cp/seller-plus
  16. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011094958-SEO-tricks-for-Gig-titles https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010949038-Tips-and-tricks-Before-creating-your-Gig https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/4410883326481-Gig-image-guidelines-Making-the-most-of-your-Gig-image
  17. It could go either way (up or down), what I know.
  18. I have a different experience. Got many clients through briefs.
  19. Where did you copy that from?
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