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Everything posted by hamzayounis_105

  1. I think it totally depends on the competition in which your gig is, also a single order can not make a gig rank on the first page, don't worry it will take some time.
  2. I first used a similar auto-reply like "Please leave work details here I will contact you ASAP..." but then i realized that 95% of buyers always make their first message including almost all details . Then i thought it's not looking good to ask for details even after getting details. so I changed it to just "Hi, First of all, thanks for contacting me" In this way it does not feel to be as a bot but it starts the conversation. I usually reply within 10 minutes ( but I still didn't got the highly responsive badge yet LOL)
  3. thanks for confirming, I never needed that option but this time ... thanks a lot for confirming
  4. I have a buyer for a website, half website is done with the content provided. But some content would take time he said. I have never extended delivery time, if I increase the delivery time (he will approve, I know) before it is marked as late, will it affect my stats?
  5. I don't know the solution but I was just taking a break from work to read stories and yeah this one sounds interesting and similar to mine
  6. I think you should instantly change you password and logout from all of devices ASAP until CS helps you. I know $1000 is too much as I am Pakistani too
  7. Thanks, I was too worried about it because my account is rising and I don't want to get a warning because I will be a level 1 seller on the next evaluation
  8. yes, he said he will, but the thing I am worried about is that I asked him to pay me more for extra work as a tip or a new gig for extra work and he agreed on a tip. The issue is I used the term tip ( may Fiverr think I am asking for the tip but actually I am asking him for payment of extra work ) Is it against TOS to ask for tip ( I red the whole TOS but cant find anything related to tip)
  9. I have a repeat buyer with more than 14 orders, on this order there while doing the order he gives some extra work so I asked him to increase payment. He said ofocus. Then I told him should we create a new gig for the extra work or he can give me a tip . he said giving a tip is good then he asked how much for the extra work to be given in tip. The main issue is that is it against TOS to ask for a tip. (As it is for extra work )
  10. is evaluation time completed?
  11. hey, i just checked your profile and I think its back and you are getting orders? How did it worked can you share experience please
  12. hi, I have one question, I have cleared all things to level up to one but only that I am short on funds (do funds under creating process also count? Because if that counts I have more than the recquirements).
  13. "SEO audit report" is a high-competition keyword that you have written first whereas you should write low competition keyword first "competitor website analysis" is again a high competition keyword here with more than 26 thousand gigs on it whereas "keyword research" is low competition (not too low it still has more than 7 thousand gigs on it) but the keyword with less than 10 thousand gigs are considered as low competition according to expert sellers on Fiverr but I will recommend you use keyword with less than 2 thousand gigs and more than 1 thousand gigs and last you should put low competition keywords first and then in acceding order (according to competition ) try to do this research to get the best keyword for you and then make a new gig because editing gig, again and again, may affect its ranking also one more thing when you find the best keyword then put it everywhere in the description again again, pricing, and even rename the images with the keywords before uploading on Fiverr gig(try image thing on the new gig )
  14. Hi, your gig title is not looking good to me. In my opinion, you should add keywords with low and higher competition in your gig title. Also try yo make its length small. For example, I will create a "WordPress blog"(low completion keyword), and a "WordPress website"(High Competition keyword) and also make your titles short. Search for low competition keywords you can do it by searching like search logo design on Fiverr you will see a lot of gigs which is an unbeatable competition but then try to search like restaurant logos or construction logos, and the completion will fall. That's how you start gig ranking in lower completion and once you start getting orders than the keyword I told you of higher completion to add will work for you to start ranking gigs on higher competition. Last, try to stay active on Fiverr belive me many will say that's a myth but it's working for me. You will notice the "online sellers" option while searching gigs, which helps buyers contact the sellers currently online so that's another way to low the competition.
  15. Hi, your gig title is not looking good to me. In my opinion, you should add at least two keywords in your gig title. For example, I will create a "WordPress blog"(low completion keyword), and a "WordPress website"(High Competition keyword) and also make your titles short. Search for low competition keywords you can do it by searching like search logo design on Fiverr you will see a lot of gigs which is an unbeatable competition but then try to search like restaurant logos or construction logos, and the completion will fall. That's how you start gig ranking in lower completion and once you start getting orders than the keyword I told you of higher completion to add will work for you to start ranking gigs on higher competition. Last, try to stay active on Fiverr belive me many will say that's a myth but it's working for me. You will notice the "online sellers" option while searching gigs, which helps buyers contact the sellers currently online so that's another way to low the competition.
  16. Gigs with zero stars are showing on the first page whereas else my gig along with some other nice gigs are dropped to 3rd page. Is that normal? Are gigs rotating because not only mine but all good seller's gigs are dropped I noticed. I have 2 active orders and 100% on everything except 95% on order completion but that's not on the gig that was on the first page
  17. Don't buy any service for promotion it might affect you badly. You should offer multiple packages. You have a nice gig with low competition keyword thats looking good
  18. Hi, I am an HTML Email Developer and I want to show my emails in gig description through a link on youtube. I will record them all and put on youtube. Because by recording the quality looks real and good rather than a screenshot. Also cant share my GitHub link because the client may just copy all the code and use it LOL..Just tell me can i use youtube link or not, will it effect bad like a warning?
  19. he wants a page in 18 hrs( 8 hrs passed now) he first sent me just a video with some filters in which the webpage was showen and it wasm't clear. He said he like a web page like this than i asked him if he can send me a clear video but he said he has nothing so I created with my own knowledge and the things visible in video but now he gott the link (idk from where?) and is aking to make clone of it which is a tik tok page on its going to take much more time and hardwork we make deal with only $8 but now that work is expensive
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