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Everything posted by allstral

  1. I saw this when I search your profile Fiverr is no longer safe at all; even in the absence of activity, my SS decreased -1. CS informed me when I contacted them, I was outperformed by other sellers
  2. Yes, I understand what you mean. even I did a mistake as you mention here I do it on purpose. After hanging around on this forum (I'm new on the forum btw) I think the golden is everywhere if you want to dig and read towards dedicated and be more serious on this platform. So I understand why this thread mentioning those "I don't do list" and they still didn't get it, lol I think it actually makes things difficult for themself if they don't have the skills, besides how they can even enjoy it? I mean as a person I don't mind doing the work that I hate but for doing the work I don't understand it's a torture btw, thanks for your insight guys, I appreciate it
  3. Got it. So in general you have main gigs based on your skill range then create others gradually by most asked services, right?
  4. I see the big picture here, but sorry, what do you mean by "Some of those gigs will likely disappear over time" ?
  5. first of all, thank you for sharing your valuable experience@filipdevaere I tempted to do more serious development on my gigs, because I just create a quick side hustle from the start. I never imagine such outcome until I saw your gigs, it's really intriguing. I have a question for you. you said you research how fiverr works between september - october and then you launched a gig in november. when you build a gigs, do you prepare them one by one or create few concept of gigs first? and how much time do you spend to do research for one gig until you publish that. I hope I don't confuse you with my language, Thanks
  6. Wow, since when did this happen? we can do 5r things there right now?
  7. It's ok as long as you do it on "fiber" not fiverr
  8. This question reminds me of a time machine
  9. What I know and from my friends who work as professional graphic designers use AI as a tool and still compose, layout and edit their designs. I recommend you use that workflow to produce "mind blowing" designs. But if all you want is a cash cow, as you state that you are not familiar with AI, I can promise you that none of those designs are particularly "mind blowing", given that you only used a prompt to create them, which anyone can do and tell even my nephew. My advice is to just use photoshop
  10. I see, but mine was removed a year ago, and I'm currently using PayPal, perhaps my card was expired at that time, but I'm not sure
  11. Are you using the bank transfer option while withdrawing? if yes, then that's how it works unless you choose the normal withdraw balance option or I believe in the past called fiver revenue card which has been removed by fiverr
  12. I'm not sure if this helps or not, and it may be a little off-topic. I'm concerned about the recent location inconsistencies among sellers. I hope this does not happen to anyone else, as I also work from the office and home every day. I'm just curious how these things happen after all this time. why now? This was my ticket 4 years ago, and I don't know if it's still relevant or not in the current system
  13. Exactly! motivation are overrated! just do it!
  14. Thank you for your feedback, it means a lot. Maybe I chose the wrong words. I have a job irl and do quick side jobs here. What I mean is that I don't have to rely on everything I do for motivation and happiness. Tbh I hate it and am happy at the same time. I hate working and practice, but I'm happy because this is something I have to take on as a challenge every day. Because motivation is something that rises and falls by default, I don't want to wait and look for it. I just have to focus and finish what I have to do. That's it. I hope that makes sense.
  15. I hate freelance and I hate working, so I'm constantly fighting myself everyday. motivation are overrated!
  16. Ok, But you forgot to quote me in the same language, not a translation
  17. Make it simple? Nothing is simple in the current system. And unfortunately, your review and rating could be destroyed at any time in this current system. So you better worry about the system and yourself before you worry about who will use the system to place an order
  18. Those people were probably small studios that had 1 account back when the platform didn't have this feature. They will hire people for low wages, usually students and anyone who needs quick cash
  19. What does "catch a buyer" mean? Do you think they were birds and a duck?
  20. What a mess! everything is impacting us now, including your soul
  21. It might be a yes-or-no answer. yes based on the announcement and maybe no for at least me? I do a lot of extended delivery because of some reason in 2022-2023. I'm good up till now. I can only presume that it comes from private feedback or that we are both wrong
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