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Everything posted by inamrakhan

  1. How i can off my gig promotion option i am not finding it please help me.
  2. Use the auto refresher if you want to loose your account. Sooner or later fiverr will detect it and block your account.
  3. Experts say its a myth but i am observing for a few weeks if i am online i am getting impression if i am not online for a day or more my gig impressions are dropping now i am really confused:(
  4. I am a new seller and i have completed 8 orders with 5 start reviews and more 6 orders in a queue. About a week ago fiverr gave me this option. All you have to do is provide quality work to your clients.
  5. why fiverr is not sending my message and what should I do?
  6. Today i got a brief it was also irrelevant.
  7. Is it compulsory to send customer offer on same gig on which client contacted me or i can change gig?
  8. Thank you ! Even it is empty i wouldn't add projects
  9. Can I add only those projects which i have completed for clients on fiverr or others too?
  10. Yesterday, I received these options from Fiverr. Could you please inform me whether they will remain available for an extended period, or will they disappear after a week or a few days if I don't complete them right away? And can i add only those projects which i have complete on fiverr for clients or other too?
  11. Yesterday, fiverr asked me to add my portfolioand and top clients. I am seeking advice on whether it is mandatory to complete this request immediately or if I have the option to add this information at a later time. I would like to know if this feature will remain available indefinitely or if it might disappear after a certain period?
  12. Search for your competitors and then edit your gig.
  13. Not impressions but clicks down
  14. No, you can change it anytime
  15. Client wants to send a file through email. What should I do? Should I mark his message as spam or take another action?
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