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Everything posted by emmasuebowtique

  1. Yes something definitely needs to change. I have a pretty successful business on here. These are my reviews I have got just in the last 24 hours. Yet I have a success rate of a 4. Its insanity.
  2. My CS manager confirmed there is a bug regarding cancellations made by CS and it is not calculating our scores correctly.
  3. You don't have to pause the gig manually though, why aren't you just clicking "limit number of orders in queue"
  4. Exactly. I am in the same exact spot. I was also getting numerous Fiverrs choice orders and they just stopped in October. I also have a success score of 4. My sales are much slower than usual lately, but even on a slow month I have already cleared $4600 this month. I am not a low performing store by any means, I pay Fiverr at least 1K a month. I have also gotten 10+ customers leave 5 star reviews in the last week and still nothing has changed with my score, one gig even went down from a 7 to a 6. I have one gig with a 9, 2 with a 6 and then 6 gigs with a 4, for a total score of 4. One thing I did was I check my total number of orders vs. number of reviews. I have 1700+ customers, with 1100+ 5 star reviews, so 64% of my customers leave me a 5 star review, the remaining don't leave a review. The math doesn't add up.
  5. I have had 10, 5 star reviews since they changed to the new sysyem and I have no change to my success score. My gig has 548 5-star reviews however my success score is a 4. It does not even make sense. It seems like they are trying to eliminate the high performing sellers on this site.
  6. Well that is great news, but do they mean you are still a level 2 based off the old metric or is your new score showing as a level 2? A success score of 7 is required for that. I still show as level 2 as well publicly and on the app, but on the new metrics a 0.
  7. My CS rep did confirm that order cancellations are not be calculated correctly and they are actively trying to fix it. So if there is one bug, there is many they just aren't admitting to the others.
  8. Well you're still in the game. Most of us were given a level 0 and success scores of 4.
  9. Your success rate is a 5 which makes you a level 1. I have a level 0 lol. I have 1100+ 5 star reviews and do about $5K+ a month in revenue, anywhere from 40-70 orders a month and my customers absolutely love me, it does not make sense. My returning customer rate is 91%. This has to be a bug, or else they are trying to go out of business and eliminate all there good sellers. I don't get it!
  10. Check out some of the other threads about success score that is going on in here. This is happening to everyone and most exceptional sellers on the platform have been put at a level 0 with a success score of 4 or lower. Be happy you have a 5 lol.
  11. Exactly. I have spent hours crying so frustrated and feeling defeated how in the world can I be motivated. I have worked my butt off to get where I am on this platform and they roll out a program that is severely flawed & are like "hey you have a month to fix our very messed up new system, good luck figuring it out because we don't even have it figured out" 🫠
  12. At least you are a level one, lots of us have been demoted to a level 0 even though our gigs are top performing gis with all around 5 star reviews. The system is flawed and is not calculating correctly however Fiverr will not admit that. They rolled out a program that hasn't even been tested and is going to lose them millions of of dollars monthly if they don't figure it out. I pay well over $1K in fees to fiverr monthly. All it takes is for 1000 sellers having this same issue, they just lost a million dollars in revenue in 1 months time.
  13. Is everyone getting this same response from Customer Service about the success score? Sounds like Fiverr doesn't even know what is going on and they rolled out a program clearly before all the bugs were fixed.
  14. Um yes they are, all of us are reaching out to customer service and I am sure we all got the same copy and pasted reply straight out of there handbook. This is happening to lots of us and the numbers are not accurate. CS even admitted that the cancellation rate is not calculating properly into the success score.
  15. Whoops I meant to attach this in my last comment but it didn't go through. As you can see we are in the same boat, however I am only level 2.
  16. Same is happening to me... See. I am at a loss at the moment and feel so depressed and defeated. My CS manager did say that cancellation rate is being calculated incorrectly at the moment and they are working on fixing it. If one thing is calculating incorrectly, that probability of other things calculating incorrectly is highly likely.
  17. I feel the same way. I work my butt off and go above and beyond for my clients. From interaction with all my customers and based on my 1100+ 5 star ratings, how in the world does my gig success have a rating of 4. My returning customer rated at 90%, all my scores like cancellation, delivery, etc are 98%+, yet I am now a level 0 and basically will not qualify to even sell on the platform in 90 days. I have made well over 100K on Fiverr in the past 2.5 years. I feel so defeated and so down about this. I have gotten 3 new 5 star reviews in the last 24 hours but the success rate hasn't moved.
  18. It is so frustrating. I even qualify for same day payments with the early payout feature. I know that is not something you get unless you qualify for it or are a top rated seller. It is like they want there good performing sellers to go elsewhere at this point.
  19. I have a freaking level 0. What in the heck is going on here. I have 1100+ 5 star reviews. I qualify for top seller, yet I just went from a level 2 to a level 0. Gigs that are my top performing gigs have a 4 success rate. My reviews on my profile are unbelievable, my clients absolutely adore me, I couldn't provide more perfect of service. I feel like I have exhausted all options at this point, the last 2 months on this platform have been a joke with all these changes. I pray this is a bug and the success rate is not accurate.
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