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  1. It's depends on fiverr
  2. Good but your picture would look more beautiful if it were natural
  3. Find out your potential customers and marketing your gig social media platform when you finish some projects with good feedback I think it will help you to get gig ranking
  4. FAQ section to get clear concept about seller service and buyer get confidence
  5. You can do advertise your service in social media platform find out your potential customers and create some of for your clients
  6. If you receive the order, you will see a dashboard similar to the one mentioned in the picture, and when you complete the order, you can click the Delivery Now button to submit your client's work.
  7. Find out your potential customers and promote or advertise your service social media platform like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
  8. 1. You can promote your gig on social media platform like Facebook, twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn also good platform 2. find out your potential customer which person to need your service and create some discount for your customer it's help to get your order Thank you 🙂
  9. Bro your question is not contain clear concept if your question is you want to get first page your gigs then answer is you can't because it's depends on Fiverr and your gigs performance
  10. If I use this type of sentences in my gig description any problem?
  11. Are you sure when a seller active on Fiverr he/she get order ?
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