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Everything posted by lalitsdmittal

  1. that's not very new, I have seen this 2 month ago
  2. It happen, you just need to wait and complete your other orders, contact old clients for more work and satisfied with the work. you will get the ranking soon
  3. It has nothing to do with rank gigs, It just that client can see how much you have control and knowledge on your work...
  4. It can take 5-7 days to complete
  5. No Bro, It's Not allowed at all... try 1 account and optimize it.
  6. No Sir, May be because of the prices, or due to gig description
  7. You can bring outside client to fiverr platform , but you can not take clients outside fiverr.
  8. Gig impression and click can be improved by providing quality service at affordable price. And, before that you need to improve your gig in term of title, description, Image and tags.
  9. He like to get order first, when he will not get any order, how anyone know his product quality?
  10. You need to Help yourself to get order, work on gig titles, keywords, descriptions and gig Image.
  11. It happen, i got .bat files to hack my account.
  12. Images are taken from client websites by fiverr team, I guess.
  13. when the amount will clear with the pending only then you will see the earning... New update
  14. I already faced this issue 4-6 time i guess. Sometime ranking come in 3 days or 7 days. Longest time was taken was 3 months.
  15. Okay So let me explain, when your Promotion option disabled, your organic ranking also go down... But It will came back after sometime. So you need to wait for sometime and keep up the good work. 5* doesn't matter here, the private feed is very important, which sent by fiverr team to clients after order completed.
  16. I wouldn't even download it 🤣
  17. Mate, Don't even download the file, they will hack your account. I usually got 2-3 these type of message daily.
  18. I just checked, both accounts are banned. So clearly they were doing spamming...
  19. I don't ask buyer to leave a review... If buyer feels to leave a review, it's his/her choice.
  20. 2 people doing the same message to me... something phishing, no? What you guys think?
  21. No, Maximum people here are freelancers like me and you...
  22. Which update are you talking about?
  23. Work on gig thumbnail, description and keywords. Try to rank the gig with low competitive keywords first.
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