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Everything posted by proconsultn2035

  1. Between 3-6 months. But offer excellent services to repeat clients.
  2. A tip is also an income to you. So Fiverr takes its share.
  3. Welcome back to the Fiverr World. Wishing you good luck on round 2.
  4. You're welcome to Fiverr Community. Good luck 🤞
  5. Congratulations and welcome back. More to come.
  6. Congratulations 👏🎉! Level 2 is next. Good luck 🤞
  7. It's all about gig performance and ranking. Maybe you've had a bad review, poor buyer satisfaction rating, cancellation, late delivery or poor conversion rate, after attaining level 2.
  8. Happy International Freelancer Day in advance.
  9. Welcome to Fiverr World and the Forum. Wishing you good luck 🤞
  10. You have freedom/autonomy but you must play by the rules of the platform and business.
  11. - Did we go to school together? I could swear we had chemistry. -Did your license get suspended for driving all those guys crazy?
  12. The first format is preferable, popular and looks more formal.
  13. If you redeliver just the second doc (updated version), it doesn't count as "partial delivery". Partial delivery is when you initially delivered just a single document when the client paid for two. So you can go ahead deliver the updated doc by clicking "deliver again". But redelivering both still won't hurt.
  14. Why is the buyer mad? Is it because of the quality of the delivery? If yes, sort it out with him. If he reports you for poor quality work, you may get a warning. So no matter the cause, Fiverr recommends that you seek amicable settlement first before contacting support.
  15. Congratulations 👏🎉. Wishing you all the best as you continue soaring.
  16. I love your optimism! If you can conceive and believe, you can achieve. Good luck 🤞
  17. You can also tell the other person to download zoom and you share the meeting link with him/her. Fiverr accepts multiple people on a call since some sellers/buyers operate as a team or agency.
  18. Welcome back. Buyer request is gone! You now have briefs. You can be seen through ranking or briefs. If you offer excellent services, your gig will appear on top when a client searches. Fiverr can also match you with a buyer through brief. Good luck 🤞
  19. Welcome to Fiverr. Please take out time to carefully read Fiverr's TOS and Community Standards. Good luck 🤞
  20. You're welcome to Fiverr, Fiverr Forum, and to the Freelancing World. Do carefully read the TOS and Community Standards of Fiverr. Wishing you all the best on this new adventure.
  21. Client can extend review period to 5 days. Simply open the order under order page and check. There's a date and time in bold when the order will be automatically marked.
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