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Everything posted by aashab_mostafa

  1. I can see how a video intro may be very valuable, but will clients click on the little arrow that comes when you hover on a gig? 🤔 This is not like YouTube, where you can see a little preview of the video when we hover in a gig. I think, an intro video is only going to be useful if a buyer ACTUALLY clicks on the gig.
  2. Hello fellow freelancers, I am not a new member here or Fiverr. I used Fiverr a year ago but I had to move away from freelancing and start a job full time due to money constraints and medical expenses. I recently got back into Fiverr and I want to pursue it full time. Before I stopped working on Fiverr, I made 2 huge mistakes: I did not pause my account from the account settings Since I was not using Fiverr, I was not checking my messages. I got 2 orders, which were completely ignored. I tried messaging the clients to explain to them my situation but they understandably did not respond. Is there a way to turn this around, or is the algorithm going to totally ignore me? I updated my gigs and prices, I have been getting impressions and a click every few weeks or so. Any advice would be great ☺️. Here is my gig if you guys want to give any pointers- https://www.fiverr.com/aashab_mostafa
  3. I usually map out my layouts in Illustrator or anything to do with text. Then I jump into Photoshop for the final design.
  4. Thanks for your suggestions. I'm trying to do that. All of my gigs, except for one, were paused. So, I decided to remake those and update the prices and everything. I'm hoping for the best 🤞.
  5. Hi everyone. I started my account back in 2021, but I had to take a break due to studies and life in general. I want to get back into Fiverr. But I can't seem to get any clicks on my gigs, let alone get any orders. Any help or suggestions on how I should proceed should be great. Here is a link to my profile: https://www.fiverr.com/aashab_mostafa
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