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  1. @vickieito Please can you check my gigs I can’t get a single order. I started last week . I’m having 133 impressions and 4 clicks. Please need you to check my page

    1. vickieito



      I started last week . I’m having 133 impressions and 4 clicks.

      Hi @nwachukwu12345,

      It took me two weeks to get my first order ....and I didn't nearly have as many impressions or clicks as you. Many people don't get their first order for weeks or even months. And even then, it can take a long time to get your first 10 orders. 

      While you wait, feel free to browse the forum and Help Center to learn how you can improve your gigs, your videos, and your gallery samples. Make sure you are using all of the features that Fiverr does to set up your gigs and profile. Use the 10 FAQs on each gig. Add relevant gig videos that clearly describe your services (and have a strong call to action at the end). I noticed the two videos that you have up don't seem to be related to your gigs, so change that because buyers can see that from Fiverr's search page.

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