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  1. HI there I read your answers of the seller question and realize you are a  helpful man. I have the same problem if you have time please check my Fiverr account


    1. vickieito



      you are a  helpful man.

      I'm actually a woman. 😉


      I have the same problem

      Can you clarify what this problem is? I've helped multiple sellers with different problems.


      please check my Fiverr account

      Here's some feedback that I have for you:

      1. Please proofread and correct your errors in your bio, gig descriptions, and some of your gig images.

      2. I love seeing your face on the gig images - as for the text, however, you have too many words on each gig image (you only need 2-5 words clearly describing your services). Buyers only have a few seconds to decide if they will click on your gig.

      3. Consider adding gig videos for all your gigs. According to Fiverr, it increases buyer engagement by 40%. I found gig videos to be very helpful for my gigs.

      4. When you write your gig descriptions and your FAQs, you seem very focused on the technicalities of what you will do. Don't forget also to speak to the buyers' heart - what pain point will you be solving? Why are you the solution? What can you offer that no one else offers?

      5. You could add more images and PDFs to your gig galleries. Consider moving a lot of the content on the gig thumbnail onto several images in your gig gallery.

    2. dbarik403


      thanks for your status

    3. dbarik403


      thanks for your status

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