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  1. Whew...it took me forever to figure out how to enable the public feed option on my profile (it was off), but I finally figured it out. 😊

    It's now been 2 weeks since I started being active on the forum and I've been really pleased with the quality of the content here. There's a lot of junk and spam but it's worth digging through the dirt to find the gold. 

    I hope you're all finding the forum as useful as I'm finding it!  Don't forget to check out the Help Desk, too. That was the only resource I had before I came onto the forum. It really does help and it gets updated often.

    Now to all of you who have visited my profile AND left me a private message. I would love to chat with you ... but let's keep it on the forum. 😉 There are many reasons why.

    1. I found out that a private message counts as one of the 5 posts that we are allowed each day. So if you've messaged me and haven't gotten a response, that's why. I probably got my 5 posts/messages done for the day before I saw your message and wasn't able to send a response.

    2. If you message me with just a "Hi" "How are you?" or "please check out my gig, get me sales," I will consider those messages spam and will not respond anymore. Today was the last day.

    3. Please post to the forum so that it can benefit everyone who is visiting this site. I don't mind looking at your gig if you have a specific question. Please note - I have only been doing Fiverr for 6 months, so I'm hardly an expert! You know more about your business than I do, so I can only provide you with a second set of eyes, a fresh perspective, and friendly encouragement.

    4. And if you are getting as much from the forum as I'm getting, please don't forget to give back. That means leaving meaningful posts that can help someone else on their Fiverr journey. No matter how new you are to the business we can all learn from you. 

    Thanks and I look forward to chatting with you all!!! 🥰

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