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Everything posted by webcut

  1. You can share your gig to social media to improve your impression. But waiting is the best part. Hope you can regain your pressing & click soon.
  2. @Kesha A thing to ask: Why Seller Plus Premium Member facing limit for Community Posting ? Is there any limit for it ?
  3. Consistent and adaptable learning. The ability to continually acquire knowledge, adapt to changes, and apply insights is often the key to sustained success in business.
  4. webcut

    Fiverr level 0

    Yes. It will move to Level 0. But still you can make order. There won't be any issue.
  5. Tell him to contact Customer Support again by using his E-mail. Hope a support team will help him.
  6. You have time till 14th March to improve your score. So, take your time!
  7. Your account is violated of Fiverr Terms & Conditions. Please contact with Fiverr Customer Support. They will tell the main reason and the best solution for it.
  8. webcut

    Help need.

    The possible reason is that you get Negative Private Feedback. Negative private feedback is the one of the main reasons to remove the gig from search.
  9. I think your buyer is suspected as Scammer in Fiverr. So, Fiverr Band him/her from the platform. So, you are unable to send massage to him/her.
  10. This is the place to share experience and thought. You can't get any order from forum!
  11. You have one option: Report & Block. There another option is marking as Spam. It will help another seller also to protect from scamming.
  12. If Fiverr Shift Manager reviewed your account and said that reply, then there would be no chance to regain your account level status.
  13. @emmaki I already paused one of my gig by thinking it will improve my score. But nothing happened for me! I am seeing different writing: Like One staff saying it will impact but other is saying it won't impact. What can I do then? Should I active that gig! I know you are not the Fiverr staff but still asking if you get any solution on it 😞
  14. Please see other Wix Developer Gig. Also while creating a gig, focus on SEO friendly Keyword. I will suggest to check Top Rated and Pro Seller Gig for Wix Website Development.
  15. The Order Completion formula is the rate/percentage of the completed orders out of all of the orders placed from your buyers, where the last update (cancellation/completion) was in the past 60 days. How the percentage increases that is also depended on Fiverr internal system.
  16. Your response time shows 1 hour which is minimum average time. It is not possible for it to be lower since that's the minimum it shows currently.
  17. You can read the Article to get better idea. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/21965360854673-Success-score#:~:text=Be professional and polite%2C ask,your progress along the way.&text=Evaluates the frequency and nature,issues during the order process.
  18. There is no time binding. But if you are from Asia and your buyer from US, then sure your night time is the best time to get the work.
  19. It will take time. But my suggestion can you increase your CPC Cap value ! Then you can make a try like how it's helping you or not.
  20. New gig won't be effective. You need to adjust with new level 🙂
  21. Yes. If any person if offering direct payment or offering outside of payment or giving you big discount - all are scammer.
  22. webcut

    Gig Rank

    In which way you can say it's in the 1st rank ? You should check your gig by category not by using full gig titles.
  23. This is not selling platform. This is about inquiry and sharing experience.
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