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Everything posted by michmikaia

  1. Hi. The first tips I will give both of you @mehmayand @ahmad_websis to be patient. There are some who got a first order after a week of creating a gigs. And there are some (like me) who got the first order some months or even years. That's why, as a new seller, you should work more on your profile and gigs to be the best one. Refer to a success gigs in your category but never copy and paste it. Make it more convincing. And use low competition keyword on your title, tag and description. Choose the best pictures, video you have done to put as portfolio on gigs.
  2. Hi. I am not fan of it too. And I received a totally different project too. I don't want to turned it off but I have just increased the price of my brief. And recently, I didn't get any brief. If I get hope it will be more relevant
  3. There is No Buyer request anymore. What you should do is to have a better profile and gigs to attract buyers.
  4. Hi. I see it goes to your Payoneer account. So check your Payoneer account. Next time, you can see the withdrawal option into "manage Payout Methods".
  5. That's even impossible. Staying online does not guarantee the orders. Even if you are offline, buyers can see your gigs. So the matter is more about your gigs/profile quality.
  6. Hi. As already commented above, unfortunately there is nothing to do. I am not sure CS can help you on buyer's review. This is part of the work challenge. We will face and work with many kind of people. But always be professional and keep always the good work. Good luck
  7. Hi. Your ranking depends on how good you are and how good your gigs. So ranking depends on the quality of your profile/gigs. One of the reason old sellers get de-ranked is that they might get negative review.
  8. Hi. You should do some research yourself about the keyword you are going to use. Make sure that the keyword you will use match your skills. Use low competition keyword. The most important thing is that you will get project on something you are good at so that you can deliver a good work and more professional.
  9. Hi there. I think you can edit whenever you want. There is no rule about it. But I suggest you to take some time to do it once and see the performance and change. Good luck.
  10. Hi. It seems that you have just finished your last order 3 weeks ago. So why do you say that you haven't got any single query? Or may be you get orders from repeated buyers?
  11. I Couldn't agree more with @maxtpfand @melanielm One fact also is that, some buyers schedule a call that fits with their time. And they do not mind about your availability.
  12. There are some who take advantage of you. Especially if you set up your revision as unlimited. So be careful. Agree on everything before order.
  13. Mine is very low. 54. One of the reason why also there is less repeat business on my services is that doing one project takes too much time.
  14. Hi. You are not wrong. Buyer request is already replaced by get brief.
  15. I spent much time on that platform before knowing Fiverr. I still use it but rarely. They add some features in order for you to know that customers see your proposal. Among the 5 proposals I sent, only one has been viewed by the customer. I can confirm also that it's really a waste of time.
  16. As @udeep7said, can you explain it more? If you need help, you should share as much details as you can in order for us to give you help and advice.
  17. That's really quick @emilychrisvo. In my case, it took some times to get my first order. And I realized that I should improve my gigs after reaching level 1. So I was a bit lucky to get an order with my poor quality gigs. That's why I know the reason why many people want to know how challenging is getting the 1st order because I am sure most new seller is like me. Just having a fiverr account and an active gigs and that's all. But as new seller, they should focus and know how good, attractive, important and how convincing they and their gigs are.
  18. Hi. I see you are a new seller and got your first order so quick. That's awesome. I think, you can share also some tips and tricks about it. Generally, if profile your gigs and skills are very convincing (great gigs with good description, improved tags and title, original and good portfolio). If the service you provide also has a high demand, you have a high chance to get a first order quickly.
  19. That's why it's better to talk with CS about it with all proof of evidence.
  20. Hi. We cannot read your screenshot. It's totally inverted. Make everything clear if you need help from people here. If it's about trust and safety, meaning there is something wrong may be on your gigs.
  21. Hi there. It depends on the service you provide. You can show pictures, video as mentionned above comment and document as pdf. Make sure to show the best work or project you did. Be creative. Make it convincing. Good luck.
  22. To be honest, yes. But if your profile and gigs is convincing, you might get your first order quicker. As new seller, the best option for you is to share your gigs through social media
  23. Hi. I will try to understand your situation. So, you finished the job and alread deliver it? Is that right. After Delivery, buyer ask you to cancel the order? If that is the case, if you deliver the work, meaning you have done the job so you should get paid. And I think, you have the right to decline the cancellation. By the meantime, gather all proof and chat you have, and talk with Fiverr Customer Support to assist you.
  24. As I said, I had no trouble during verification. They do not ask me a invoice. But as an advice for you, this Fiverr statement might work as verification. It's a kind of proof of earning. You can also attach some details of Transaction of Fiverr to Payoneer (csv file from fiverr).
  25. Hi there. I know there is no invoice here on Fiverr. But I don't know if Fiverr earning Statement could help. You can try it as verification. During verification last year, I had no trouble with Payoneer. I think you can chat directly to Payoneer support too.
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