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Posts posted by michmikaia

  1. 23 hours ago, katakatica said:

    You need those AND to be handpicked (so basically, you only qualify once you have earned that much and completed that many orders. I was qualified for 6 or 7 months before getting my badge but it can take longer (or you can be chosen ASAP...or never.) Basically, it depends.

    Good to know that. I am thinking of just similar to reaching level 1 and level 2.

    • Like 15
  2. Hi.

    1 hour ago, kassak7358 said:

    Hi fiverr friends, 

    I am level 2 seller i done an order which hav't any file to deliver in delivery button. I just mentioned there "Task is completed". Fiverr issue TOS and told me dont do such thing in future. after completion of 30 days. I made same mistake. Fiverr issue again TOS for 30 days. Now 30 days again completed.


    If Fiverr warns you, it's better not to repeat the mistake in the future. Talking about no file to deliver, I think you should find something to deliver. At least a screenshot of the work you have done.

    • Like 8
  3. Hi.

    There are a lot of tips and tricks here in the forum that has already been talked about. I think it's better to look at it.

    But going across your profile, there are a lot of things to be improved. One thing. Replace "JT designer" with your name.

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  4. Hi. I think, that is really depends on how good and how interesting your gig is. I remember before my 2 first order, I only had one gig. A friend of mine suggested to me to create at least 2 or 3 gigs. 

    But finally, among the 7 gigs I have, only 4 of it is so valuable and really meet my skills. I am thinking af deleting some gigs soon. 

    So, in my opinion, there is no need of creating many gigs. Unless you have new skills that you think it can be sellable. 

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  5. 20 minutes ago, bipashabdbari22 said:

    we must keep patience


    By the meantime you can learn new thing, even improve skills. You have time. Make it valuable. 

    Good luck. 

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  6. 8 hours ago, songbirdcottage said:

    The Payoneer issue may have something to do with the Silicon Valley Bank failure that happened Friday. 

    Payoneer CEO has already stated that everything is guaranteed at Payoneer about SVB failure. So there is another reason about his concerned.


    8 hours ago, web_arif said:

    This happened to me too but my ID had a notice to verify identity.

    This is probably one of the reason as Payoneer about proof of identinty. 

    @grayprogrammerzby the meantime, check under your profile and verification center if there is any pending tasks. 

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  7. 40 minutes ago, grayprogrammerz said:

    He's level one seller and I'm sure he's know this. I guess he's asking for this type of portfolio :

    Yeah. May be. Even me I was quite hesitated when answering and double check what she asked. But he asked about portfolio on fiverr gig. 

    @prudence_guoif you need something like in this link, go to your profile and create project to show on your Portfolio. 


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