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Everything posted by shuvo_va

  1. No effect. If you use more than 1 Fiver account under 1 device or under 1 IP address then it may cause of harmful effects.
  2. Non Check your gig status to ensure your gig active or not. If active it's okay. Your gig loss ranking. It may be for dissatisfaction buyer reviews ( The review you can see or the internal buyer review you can not see) Try to deliver excellent work and also try to get more order yourself by SMM to get back your gig ranking.
  3. Yes you can ask review professionally. But your cannot ask for positive review or 5 ★ ratting.
  4. Always be more expert. Learn about Fiverr Community guidelines. Learn about hot to make a good gig. Then onboard your service on Fiverr. Wish you great success!
  5. Anyone having fiver account can use fiver Forum. But Maximum seller use Forum to get update knowledge.
  6. Try to focus low competition category. Also make your profile and gig professionally according to the Fiverr rules.
  7. Edit your gig image and description to make it more attractive. Also ensure SEO for your gig. Then promote it social media.
  8. Promote your gig link to possible targeted traffic using social media.
  9. Don't start the order now if the buyer started the order. Wait for a week. If the buyer don't contact to support. At lest your gig does not effected by canceling this order through regulation center.
  10. Currently I am getting to know from some seller posts that their Fiverr profile has been hacked, their money has been withdrawn, gigs lost racking or denied gigs. It's really scary. But happy to know that Fiverr support team has given solution to sellers. I want to know what I should do and what I should not do to protect my Fiverr Account from hackers.
  11. One of the reasons the Fiver team doesn't approve a new seller profile is that there are already too many sellers in that category. Is it true?
  12. There is no hidden tips to get regular order. If you get more positive ratings(Including buyer internal rating) by providing quality service for buyer, your gig will rank more and you will get more order.
  13. Very bad experience! To avoid this buyer we can check their previous order compete number. We can check their profile created date(spammer create new fiverr account to cheat other). We can check the resting & review of other seller about the buyer. We also judge the fake buyer by conversation.
  14. 1 negative review impacts is higher than 10 positive review impact.(for an example) You have to try get more positive ratings as much as possible to recovery your previous gig Ranking. You should promote your gig on Social media according to Fiverr rules to get orders as soon as possible.
  15. First confirm your gig is totally out of search result. Then you can contact support team to bring your gig search result.
  16. Welcome! Commitment of providing excellent service for buyer and Learning about Fiver community guidelines, Gig guidelines, gig image guidelines etc will do your success journey smoother.
  17. Did you share your gig on any social media or site? If you share your gig link to not targeted buyer then you will get click and impression but no order. Too many click but no order will reduce your gig ranking. Your gig description may also not quality enough to motivate a buyer to place an order.
  18. You can take course from Fiverr Learning. You will get badge on your Fiverr profile.
  19. Buyer can see all your files. If you delivery again only 1 file then buyer can report for a partially delivery. So you should deliver again both files.
  20. Learn Social media marketing and promote your gig.
  21. If you think you have done no mistake then contact with fiverr support with attachment of all documents.
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