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Everything posted by shuvo_va

  1. You can get full refund or if you think seller provided some value so you can also give him a partials payment.
  2. Hey donnovan86, Thanks for your queries. I was a full time job holder in Nestle BD till 2022. I have started freelancing form August 2021(2 years ago) as part-time. From 2023 I'm doing full time freelancing. Mainly I spend 12-14 hours for the following task: • Skill development and practice • Maintain client project(Approximate 15 project) • Marketing for new client • Maintain a small Freelancing training institute Note: I never try to stay online on Fiverr without any necessary. Working 12-14 hours per day may be excessive. I think I’m still initial stage of my Freelancing career. I am trying my best to boost my career to next step. I want to build an agency and some other digital business. My target is passive income. I will do automation my career after 1 year hard work. Then I will invest less time per day. Please pray for me. Thanks again.
  3. Blaming to Fiverr is not the right solution. Find out the actual cause. Your gig is not performing enough comparatively your competitors gig. So it may loss the ranking position. Every seconds your gigs is computing with other seller gigs.
  4. I'm 2nd Level seller spending 12-14 hours per day for my full time Freelancing career. New freelancers will get an idea about required dedication for building a successful freelancing career. So please mention here, How many hours do you spend everyday for your freelancing career?
  5. Digital Marketing skills are High demand skills. Competition is every where. You have to perform over the average for success.
  6. You should branding yourself by using our own picture on Gig.
  7. It's a coincidence with Seller Plus. Find out the actual cause for impression loss. There are many cause for impression loss. Some of them are:- Buyer negative review and ratting(including internal reviews) Not getting positive reviews from buyer for a long time. Edit any part of your gig also loss gig impression. Your competitor seller's gig are performing better than your gig.
  8. You should use Fiverr app on mobile to get all notification as soon as possible.
  9. If your account is verify with your document then officially you are the owner of this account. You son can work on unofficially as your team member all time. If you want to transfer your account ownership to your son then contact to Fiverr support. They will help to transfer the account to your son.
  10. There is no time to publish a gig. You can publish anytime. Publishing time does not matter for your gig performance.
  11. Follow 80-20 rules to get success in life. 1. 20% core work directly boost your success. (Focus on this task with investing maximum time) 2. 80% general work that not effective.(less focus and invest less time) 1. Create a gig is a general task. I believe you have done it properly. No need to check you gig by anyone. 2. Now focus on your core job, sell your gig by marketing.
  12. From my own experience I am sharing some tips for ranking gig. Proper Gig Image, Gig SEO, Impressions, Clicks these are the basics component of a gig and maximum seller maintain this properly. But not every seller's gig ranks but few seller's gigs get ranked. One thing that helps sellers get Gig Rank is buyer satisfaction reviews. (Including internal reviews) Regular positive reviews are also essential to maintain your gig ranking. Otherwise your gig will slowly lose rank. If you depends on only order from the Fiverr marketplace initially then it will be difficult to build a successful freelancing career. You have to do social media marketing to bring order from outside marketplace. Do not blame to Fiver for not getting order. Fiverr is not committed to generate order for you. You are responsible to generate order to build your own career. As a seller getting order, getting positive reviews regularly is our own responsibility. Firstly we have to prove our performance then Fiverr will rank our gig to get more orders.
  13. Buyer satisfaction is the key of success in freelancing career. I follow some simple steps to ensure buyer satisfaction. Understand the buyer requirement clearly. Deliver the project according to the buyer expectation. Asking Bayer if he needs any more help after delivering the project? If necessary, help a little more if he needs it. Ensure customer support after delivery.
  14. Promote your gig on social media to get buyer. Fiverr Forum is not the right place for sharing your gig. You can share your problems here to get solution.
  15. Editing any part of your gig effect on gig ranking. So we should change as much as we need before publishing the gig.
  16. You can reactive it anytime by paying service charge. But if you are not eligible for Fiverr Seller feature then you can not active it.
  17. What is your best advice for getting more orders? Hey successful seller, Give a tips that helped you for ranking your gig?
  18. Hey Promote your gig on social media. Fiverr Community is not the right place for gig promotion.
  19. How the conversion rate is calculated on Fiverr?
  20. Check your conversion rate. Every click does not convert into order. If your conversion rate is 1% then you may get 1 order from 100 click.
  21. Which one is correct for gig ranking? 1. Click > Impression > Gig Ranking > Get Order >Positive Feedback 2. Positive Feedback > Gig Ranking > Impression > Click > Get Order
  22. Yes. It's normal. Editing gig always loss your ranking. Try to collect some positive reviews as soon as possible.
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