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Everything posted by milos_siena

  1. Do you have another profile ? Because this one has no gigs, and the account is 6 years old ?
  2. Here is some info to help you decide: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018143698-Seller-Plus-FAQs Success manager is a great option for starters.
  3. You posted in the section of the forum "Tips From Sellers". In this section you have informative topics where you can find your answers. Cheers.
  4. It's not like before. Every order can change your metrics/stats quickly. And after up to 24h you can level up if your got better in all 6 metrics. Read here about metrics and success scores. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010560118-Fiverr-s-new-level-system
  5. He's trying to sell his off-Fiverr business. Report him.
  6. You can add 3 more gigs if you have some more skills to offer. Here on the forum, you can find posts about optimising gigs and speeding up your business start. "Tips From Sellers" - check that section of the Forum.
  7. Yes, those are the new rules. I thought the badge thing might need time like before. Since the support team can already see the level change. @design_tori It was a problem with updating the Fiverr app, you should see the badge now.
  8. Hi, I am waiting for the response from the relevant team. I'll inform you asap.
  9. I understand. Could you maybe send us a picture of your impressions/clicks stats?
  10. Could you write that in English? There's a little chance that someone can help you in Italian here.
  11. So the support made a decision. You might want to mention certain parts of your chat with the scammer and they might change their mind.
  12. Hi and welcome, Do you need any questions/assistance?
  13. Take a look at topics in "Tips From Sellers". There you have a lot of useful content.
  14. 4 gigs is a maximum for new sellers.
  15. You had an order in February. There are no restrictions on your account. If you don't have enough impressions and clicks, try optimizing gigs and reading the forum sections, like @fahadislamjuel said.
  16. Hi, You were promoted in February twice so you will get the badge in april 15 (new evaluation period).
  17. It is not allowed for one person to make 2 accounts whether you use a different device, IP, email etc. You can share your gig links on social networks, but not here on forum.
  18. Hi, You have a certain label because of your low success score. Since it has been a month you will have to wait for about 6 months for your gigs to show in search results. Do your best with existing clients. Good luck.
  19. I can confirm this. Only 4 for a new seller. Level one gets the option to make 10.
  20. Please send that picture to the support@fiverr.com. It could be that they didn't send that at all. That this buyer made that page.
  21. This article sums it up: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017140717-Seller-Plus-overview Pay attention while reading about Success Manager, it's a great option. Cheers.
  22. Opinions on how to start your business and optimize your gigs can be found at the "Tips From Sellers" section on the forum.
  23. Here you can find the forum rules: https://community.fiverr.com/forum_rules/ The forum is basically a place to exchange opinions about Fiverr-related news, updates, sellers' or buyers' individual experiences. You can ask for any advice here also, or report a bug. Plenty of users here are willing to help.
  24. I said probably from the same device. The support team found somehow what you have done, and that is the reason for flagging. I would suggest you to delete 3 accounts, it could lead to a ban. Keep in mind that the forum moderation team doesn't decide about flagging accounts.
  25. I am sorry but it is useless to file multiple tickets to the support team. As they said, your profile was reviewed several times and they are convinced that you created 2 or more accounts, probably from the same device. It is a serious violation.
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