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Zahid I.

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Everything posted by Zahid I.

  1. Changing gig image doesn't affect your profile or gig visibility rankings. However, there are some points that may need to get approval i.e. you use some sensitive texts etc. No worries.
  2. Having more than 1 seller account is a violation and your all id will be suspended!
  3. Sharing persona contact information will violate the Fiverr Terms of Service. You need to discuss your customer and convince him. Based on the violation fiverr account can be blocked without warning as well. about warning, you can read all details here :https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010880417-Warnings Fiverr is working to make the video calling (powered by zoom) feature in messages for all. Have patience and don't think of violation.
  4. I agree. Paypal is like thunder lightning and others are sound that comes late!! haha
  5. As long as you get the money in USD, paypal is good choice. Or if the withdrawal amount is smaller. For big amount-non USD currency, Payoneer is a great choice because of currency conversion. You can get the highest currency conversion with payoneer if you withdraw to your bank from payoneer. Paypal give much less rate for currency conversion. Same if you withdraw from ATM by payoneer card (optional) the conversion rate will be lower than bank (somehow like paypal rate maybe) When you choose payoneer, you can follow 2 ways: for small amount, directly withdraw to your bank. it will take 2-3 days maximum to get your funds available in your bank account. for bigger amount you can get better rates with wise (better rated after deducting the transfer fees - payoneer charge 2% flat charge to transfer from payoneer to wise bank account) available ways: USD currency/smaller amount > Paypal preferred above 300 > payoneer to bank above 1000 > payoneer to wise to bank If you're not interested to save small bucks and paypal available to your country, then I prefer paypal mostly. As payoneer and wise is mostly popular to them who want to get some extra buck by saving conversion rate. Make sure you've transferred to your personal wise account as it's personal transaction (The way wise replied on request) Payoneer is good one. Just make sure you follow the policy. Payoneer and wise is mostly popular to them who want to get some extra buck by saving conversion rate.
  6. Hi Pradeep, I can understand your frustration. I also believe that it's important to have discussion before starting a project. Still, I suggest you to keep the conversation within the Fiverr platform. As an alternative solution, I can suggest you to offer a custom offer to discuss, as you will get video call option (powered by zoom) in your order page. Also, I am happy to let you know that, Fiverr is working on to avail the video calling option for all users within the message before placing an order. It's in trial stage now and will be available to all soon.
  7. Fiverr offers Online Tutor service under Lifestyle category. Lesson category allow video call feature within the fiverr platform powered by zoom.
  8. @raselkhondokar got it back after 2 year. I think he can give better reply to your question. Dear Rasel Bhai, I hope you would love to share your experience.
  9. You're welcome. Join Fiverr Community Club: Bangladesh event to know how fiverr supporting Bangladeshi Sellers. https://events.fiverr.com/introduction-to-fiverr-community-club-Bangladesh
  10. I just check your profile Habibur, and understood that you're actually talking about your rating. it's 4.4. And for this reason you're not able to respond to any buyer request. I can see that your first rating was 2 star (4 weeks ago). And still you made some sales and all 5 star rating for next 4 project. Amazing! You must have minimum 4.5 as a rules of 90%. I can see that if you get a 5 star on your next project, you will get the opportunity to respond to buyer request again. Additionally, only 4 weeks from that 2 star rating. If you don't get any other project, no worries, You may need to wait 30-32 days more so that 2 star will not affect you anymore and you can start responding to buyer request again.
  11. I saw someone who got it back after 2 years. And also I agree with the statement of @donnovan86 Hey Alex, can you check my message in forum inbox?
  12. I feel sorry that suddenly you’re facing this issue. I have passed through this situation as well.I researched a lot and contacted support a couple of times to overcome this situation.So mainly I learnt, this happens for short of the quality and additional metrics.And the only option is to keep doing your best with the running orders (if any) with quality work, get praise from your buyers, and spending a good time and with sending buyer requests though you’ve no work to meet these quality metrics.This can last for a couple of days to more (unexpectedly).I can see that you’re doing well, so most if you do not get back to the metrics simply, then maybe you need to wait for your turn to come forward on rankings when Fiverr shuffles the order to give the opportunity to others.
  13. According to Fiverr policy, you need to keep the conversation only within the fiverr platform. Also do not share personal contact information or contact someone outside of fiverr platform. And contacting outside can bring trouble for you and maybe you will be scammed.
  14. No. Fiverr forum platform is completely independent. It's not related the stats of Fiverr product page. Forum is a great place to interact with other members, learning new about issues, solutions, phenomenas and collaborate through knowledge sharing.
  15. You can have only one account in fiverr. If you're expert in multiple category, definitely you can offer multiple services. There are no restrictions in it.
  16. Congratulations on your achievement. Th post should be posted on Fiverr Experience or Story probably. This is not a question. Please select the right category always when you post to the forum. Congratulation again.
  17. I don't think if removing your gig (as you described) will give you any negative impression. Also I will suggest you to research first, then prepare all contents including gig images and title and description. And create a new gig so you don't have to remove again in future.
  18. Because of the limitation for some people like me, it's turned into a place to write to limited topic. The scenario is like, if we want to add only meaningful writings for the conversation, we will lose quota to have some fun sometimes. Or even sometimes it happen to me that when I was asked something based on my comment in a topic, I couldn't reply with answers as my quota already over for the day. Ah! We can understand that it's to avoid spamming, but still missing to have fun and continue conversation. At least limit could be waived for potential members here.
  19. Since the new rule applied, I'm facing this issue everyday. 10 replies per day. 😞
  20. I mean topic/post (post/comment), I can't make more than 10 per day! Aren't you facing this issue? @vickiespencer @imagination7413 ??
  21. I think for grand masters post limit should be waved. What do you think? @visualstudios @newsmike @frank_d @mariashtelle1 @imagination7413 @vickiespencer @donnovan86 @lloydsolutions
  22. By mistake i pressed ctrl+Enter while trying to give a line break and it was posted. then I tried to add as many as possible by searching, within the editing time. I feel sad to forgot your username 😬 May you were playing in washroom while I was dreaming and enjoying the party 🙄
  23. Secrets Revealed - Grand Master Rank I love to read even old newspaper too. I love to discuss, share knowledge, reply others. I love to react. The most precious Rank in Fiverr forum is Grand Master. Grand Masters never share any information about the secrets revealed to them with this rank. They never shared how they are getting benefits because of this rank. Even if a grand master about to share, another one don't let it be! How rude! How cruel! 😁 When I came to the forum, I activated my nature written above. Fiverr Forum is amazing and intelligent. Forum could read my thoughts and nature and promoted me to the grand master from the veteran once I completed all the ranks and required points for grand master!! I was feeling like wow! I'm grand master now. All the secrets going to reveal to me, I'll be benefited. I can dream what they could be, so I just went to bed for a tight sleep and dream. In my dream, all the secrets revealed. I learnt about the benefits of grand master rank. And I'm going reveal it to everyone. You will be excited for couple of seconds, minutes or maximum hours. You will be in your dream for this certain time. You will be flying to the sky, sky so high, high to, hey man wake up. Then you will feel something special to announce publicly and to your wall about your achievement! https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/266868-i-am-now-great-mr-grand-smash-master-🎉/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/256687-to-all-of-the-grand-master-badge-chasers/ Single Status Update from 10/12/2021 by jonbaas - Fiverr Community You will be thrown to the sky with praises by people. And you will be keep through for a certain time. You will be keep flying. When you will be flying, you could see a group of people dancing, singing for your achievement. Single Status Update from 07/15/2021 by mariashtelle1 - Fiverr Community Okay dream is over. Let's get back to work. Activity in forum never give a benefit of getting a good rank in fiverr gig search result system. It will not help you in any way except only knowledges. For me, I'm benefited by being free from people's doubt that why I read old topics, react in specific posts and reply there. I became grand master in march 19. And I just remembered that as a grand master, as a friendly person, I should reveal all the secrets of being a grand master. Special thanks to @vickiespencer @jonbaas @newsmike @mariashtelle1 @theratypist @smashradio @maitasun @visualstudios @surajkartha @frank_d and to all grand masters and members who is supporting all forum members actively. Have fun, invite others to down their gun!
  24. I feel sorry that suddenly you’re facing this issue. I have passed through this situation as well. I researched a lot and contacted support a couple of times to overcome this situation. So mainly I learned, this happens for short of the quality and additional metrics. And the only option is to keep doing your best with the running orders (if any) with quality work, get praise from your buyers, and spending a good time though you’ve no work to meet these quality metrics. This can last for a couple of days to more (unexpectedly). I can see that you’re doing well, so most if you do not get back to the metrics simply, then maybe you need to wait for your turn to come forward on rankings when Fiverr shuffles the order to give the opportunity to others. Thank you.
  25. I think actually he asked about the scenario like: seller will pay someone outside of the Fiverr to give him a order with fake requirements, then leave a review by completing the order with out any work but the fake files. It's directly like seller is paying outside for a dummy order and getting reviews. Or on the other hand you can say, some are selling reviews in Fiverr. We can see that this is happening a lot in some specific countries, honestly! You will pay $10 in local currency, You will get an order of $5 in your Fiverr account. haha! Some syndicate has a great collection of buyers account. i.e. they operate buyer account from 50+ countries, they operate top buyer accounts by selling reviews only haha! This is illegal. I understand that you could see so many doing it and nothing wrong happen to them. But still it's actually illegal. I'm not going to say like all other people that, Fiverr is suspend your account if they trace you. This is ridiculous to warn like this way in real life. I will say, doing business in Fiverr with illegal steps will not give you much benefits to your growth.
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