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  1. Hello, I am wordpress site designer. Few months ago i created a site using Elementor plugin and for that i used developer License... Now that buyer is asking to provide the license key and saying why you didn't disclose this earlier.. But i never said that i will provide Premium/License plugin or free on, neither it mentioned in my gig. Also No one disclose this thing, until they are charging for it separately(single license) or buying on the behalf of them.. So anyone can tell me, how i can deal with this buyer.
  2. What about sellers time, efforts and multiple works, including abusing... fiver can do anything for that??? This way buyer can force and abuse and blackmail to get more and more works in free.. Even if you are employee or freelancer.. you cant fulfill everyone needs... This way buyer can get easily refund and still they can harm seller's business.. so how you are thinking, this is beneficial for both buyers and sellers..
  3. And They talk about this "We believe in maintaining a reliable review system that benefits both buyers and sellers" 🤣 Now buyers will abuse to the seller and if even we cancel the order, again we will have to face negative review.
  4. And They talk about this "We believe in maintaining a reliable review system that benefits both buyers and sellers" 🤣 Now buyers will abuse to the seller and if even we cancel the order, again we will have to face negative review
  5. As i can see fiverr is just ignoring the seller thoughts & situation and only trying to provide more power to buyer and abusers I read complete 6 pages comments but didnt found any comments from the fiverr team that say yes we will make changes or do anything about it so buyer couldn't abuse this system.. its look like they just implemented this feature and close their eyes... I am also a TRS and working on fiverr from more than 3 years.. but now i am thinking to move on from the fiver, because its not safe for any seller.
  6. Hey, I noticed from last month, whenever i complete a order, then that earning doesn't count in my monthly earning, but when a clearance balance clear then that show under this month earning.. Last month i contacted FS, they told me clear the browser cache and so on.. but i dont think so this happening from my end. so its happing with everyone? if yes, then it doesn't make sense, because fiverr take 14days in balance clearance, so how this can be count in this month income?? this is making lots of confusion, because i am unable to count my this month income due to this error.
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