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Everything posted by williambryan392

  1. Had a long day and couldn't help but reject and hit the 'other' option so I could share my frustrated reason: Everything was too vague. Does the buyer want leads, a pitch, a strategy or someone to actually hire her, is she trying to sell a service? Could this buyer be confused about what a brief is for? I've not been able engage with any brief yet because I cannot understand what the buyer wants and therefore cannot quote effectively. I really don't see how this feature is different to a buyer request. Why does fiver think 'I'm a great choice'? Because I have a gig in the Business category? Is that it? Maybe I should have done a massive offer. $10K. But then I'd have to go through the inevitable cancellation dance, or have my offer rejected, both of which I fear hitting my stats/standing. Sorry to deprive you of more entertainment for you and your popcorn @frank_d 😆😉
  2. I don't want to turn the feature off in case they actually prove useful, but this is a bit of a joke. Does the buyer want leads, a pitch, a strategy or someone to hire her? Could this buyer be confused about what a brief is for.
  3. I've received 3 or 4 Briefs now. All either completely out of touch with what I offer, or nowhere near enough info to accurately quote. Briefs just feel like buyer requests under a different name, like they've tried to rebrand it because they've seen so few established sellers engage with BR's. I don't see any meaningful difference. Am I missing something?
  4. I replied that the message to message them first was in the requirements so I couldn't see it before purchase. I then gave my requirements and he completed the gig. It was fine in the end!
  5. I think this is one of those rare occasions when it makes complete sense for this kind of gig, and is when it should be used 🙂
  6. This is a rant with my buyer hat on. I know this has been discussed before here but I want to rant. Bought a background removal gig for $5 yesterday. They are a new seller (I like supporting new sellers and I like that it was cheap). The first message I got from them was 'y u did not message first'. This request wasn't in their gig description, but was in their requirements (it was the only thing in their requirements). I think if you want buyers to message you first you are on the wrong platform! Go to another platform where that is how it works. The joy of fiverr as a buyer is being able to find a service and buy it quickly whilst having confidence in the delivery deadline being met. It's like a supermarket. Buy what you want, when you want and get it when you expect. If you're a seller that does this, may I ask why you do it? Do you not have confidence in being able to deliver the service you offer? Do you have too much work? What is the reason? I'm 99% sure you can avoid the need to get a message first if you use the tools fiverr gives you, have a clear gig description and have clear requirements. Rant over.
  7. I was told by my SSM that repeat buyer score is based on the same buyer buying another gig from the same seller in the same category as their previous purchase. I don't think repeat buyer score should be limited by category but should instead just be based on the same buyer coming back to the same seller, regardless of gig or gig category. For example, I have buyers coming to me for career advice in the life coaching category, they then purchase a LinkedIn rewrite/optimization gig from me (a different category), followed by a purchase for interview coaching which is again in a different category. In this example I have successfully up sold and retained that buyer a further two times after the original purchase but it doesn't count as a repeat buyer in any way. I could make an offer and do the LinkedIn and interview coaching under the career advice gig, but I think this isn't accurate, would be gaming the repeat buyer score and may confuse the buyer which is why I don't. However it just doesn't seem right that I've had multiple repeat buyers and it just doesn't count towards my repeat buyer score. Perhaps there could be 2 types of repeat buyer scores, one at the seller level and one at the gig level. This may be confusing and I think having it at the seller level is more telling/accurate. The same goes for when I sell a business consultancy gig, then a business plan gig, the a LinkedIn optimization gig. Again, no repeat buyer score 😭 Having the trophy would be good for buyer confidence, but more importantly I assume fiver considers it when judging how a seller is performing and how it positions sellers on the platform, that's why I really care! Just my two cents 😀 🙏
  8. Nice work Columbo (I don't mean that sarcastically!) Whether you qualify can change for a variety of reasons. It's not just based on your public reviews, but also the private reviews that fiver asks buyers for as well (these are more important than public reviews), as well as other factors. Additionally, as other buyers become eligible to use the option to promote gigs it may impact your ability to promote. Fiver is a marketplace, there is always ebb and flow. Just wait, do a good job and it should come back 🙂
  9. do you mean unqualified for promoted gig feature? or...?
  10. @benedictrm 's advice is great. I’d follow it. It’s not over yet I think. I think CS will do something, just be articulate, thorough and polite with them. So far I haven’t been disappointed with the service. So far…
  11. It sucks you’re going through this, especially after putting so much time in. I’d be interested to know what support says so please do share when you hear. It sounds like it was cancelled by CS given you didn’t agree to the cancellation, or perhaps triggered by the buying cancelling the payment. Someone here knows more than me, drum roll…
  12. It doesn’t matter how many people you block. This is a tool to protect sellers from fraudulent buyers. I don’t see it as a problem if you block people that try to manipulate the system, which purposefully rate you poorly or stuff like that. It’s just a great way to cleanse your Fiverr experience. This is something I’ve learned from you @donnovan86 and some others here. I’m now much more open to blocking and it makes my fiver experience less painful. If my spidey sense goes off then I politely decline and block. Life’s too short.
  13. @vibronx some questions out of curiosity if you don’t mind… how long were you eligible to be TRS before it happened? Just wondering if it was quick once you hit the requirements or did you hit them a while ago? Also, if it was a while ago then did you make any meaningful changes recently to your profile or gigs that you think maybe satisfied the manual vetting process? I know each case is different but just wondering what your particular experience was 🙂
  14. Very kind of you to say so. I hit level 2 myself yesterday, a long road to TRS but let’s see what happens, life is full of curve balls! Well done again 🙂
  15. This is great news and thoroughly well deserved! I’m pleased for you. You add a ton of value to the forum and clearly your clients too. Fiver is lucky to have you and I’m glad they’ve recognised it. Bravo!
  16. @shuvo14500 respectfully you seem to have no gigs and no ratings. I appreciate you trying to help but you are not giving good or helpful advice. Staying online 24/7 does not help. The best thing you can do @kellyvine is research the forum, most questions have already been answered. Check these out to start:
  17. It’s holiday season in a lot of countries, some gigs become more popular because of it, but most gigs are less popular (buyers are on holiday). Anyway, you had a delivery 7 days ago, don’t panic, orders should start coming again soon. Stay positive 🙂
  18. Ok. But I was able to message you, and you replied to my message. So I think this is a problem with the person who has messaged you. Not with you. I think your account is fine. I think maybe this person is both a buyer and a seller. I think maybe they have been spamming buyers and so now cannot send new messages. Maybe. Also, the message he sent does look like spam to me, it does not make sense.
  19. I had no problem messaging you image767×410 34.5 KB
  20. Worked for me… image1129×502 79.9 KB
  21. Send your fiver profile link, ill try to message you…
  22. Contact support and ask, be friendly, they want to help (in my experience) and you need to know what happened so it doesn’t happen again!
  23. Hang on… looking again it says you’ve been a seller for 60 days? So you must have got a warning for it to reset. I would contact fiver support and ask them…
  24. This is fine! You have to get to 30 days without warning to get to level 1. Tomorrow it will show 4/30 (assuming you don’t get a warning!)
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