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About gamunu

  • Birthday 07/10/1904


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  1. This is amazing, please sign me up.
  2. I had a similar experience. One day few of my gigs are deleted automatically. When I contact customer support, they don’t have any clue what causes the issue. Also, support confirms gigs are perfectly fine and nothing to change or modify.
  3. If this not work use on screen keyboard 😃
  4. No you’re perfectly fine. I used to work with Ubuntu.
  5. Let’s say you find out the exact rotation period. What do you do? You cannot manipulate anything. It’s advanced stuff no one could figure out.
  6. Gig rotation happens every day, not every 12.5 days.
  7. First of all, contact the Fiverr support team before you create an account. They might help you with this, but I’m not 100% sure. I remember you cannot offer the same category services in the two accounts Try to search forums. You can find threads related to this.
  8. First of all happy birthday man (maybe I’m late sorry 😊) This is the most interesting article someone post in a long time. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. and I was wondering what do you think about the conversion rate? I read some articles about conversion rate but I was never able to find a method to calculate it. I think maybe conversion rate important factor to consider.
  9. Contact customer support. withdraw works for me
  10. in my experience don’t try to do anything just leave it. It’s just another bad day, don’t think about it too much. always act professionally 😊
  11. 2015 September i have 15$ average but now it’s 8$
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