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About zubairtopu

  • Birthday 08/24/1998


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  1. Fiverr does not allow multiple accounts. So avoid that.
  2. I'm doing fine. I always try to make give good services to my client. This year I work lots of projects.
  3. Fulfill your profile 100% with your own words don't use any copied text. Use professional images on everywhere on your profile photo, gig thumbnail, etc. Before you create a new gig do research on that particular subject. This helps you a lot I hope.
  4. It depends on your skills. You can check your analytics there you can see what you need to achieve to get a level one seller badge. So provide your, clients, with the best delivery. It will also help you get a lot of projects. With that, you can easily get the level one badge easily. I hope one day you will get the top-rated badge.
  5. I think it's not a good idea. If you have true skills then I hope you will get the order. So do not lose hope brother.
  6. Focus on orders. Fulfill buyer needs. Before taking order discuss with your client about the project. If you understand fully and you can fulfill his needs. Only then take order.
  7. I face this problem. The seller just copy my gig with gig thumbnail. I just contact Fiverr support with my thumbnail File and all evidence. Thanks to Fiverr they just remove the seller gig. So you can contact Fiverr Support. I hope they will solve your problem. Thanks
  8. Don't replay late brother. Try to replay first. set a louder notification ringtone and set the volume high. And try to check messages every 30 or 20 minute latter.
  9. War can't give us happiness. The both country's people are facing problem. I hope that soon the war will be end. We don't need blood. We need happiness.
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