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Everything posted by imagination7413

  1. You already said you're not getting orders. What effect could be worse than what you're experiencing right now?
  2. Welcome to the forums. Biggest point is to make sure the gig is in compliance with the Terms of Service. Yes, this means you actually need to read the Fiverr ToS and Community standards. Do NOT rely on 'this seller has one' gigs, because many illicit gig simply not been caught yet.
  3. You will need to decide for yourself: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/319563-would-taking-the-fiverr-seller-plus-subscription-be-a-good-decision-for-me/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/294244-is-seller-plus-worth-it/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/328761-should-i-buy-seller-plus/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/299534-new-scm-is-unresponsive-is-seller-plus-worth-it/
  4. Check this out: williambryan392 - How to be successful on Fiverr, common Q&As Yes. That first image, the color blending makes the text hard-to-impossible to read.
  5. This (number 7): https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/4410883326481-Gig-image-guidelines-Making-the-most-of-your-Gig-image
  6. (Source: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/15863342952977-Gig-Images-General-Gig-image-guidelines) One of your whiteboard videos has ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐. See also: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/212263-fiverr-sends-a-lot-of-mixed-messages/ (Source via Google) You have no FAQs in that gig. You should probably use one to define this word, as a LOT of people don't actually know what it's suppose to mean, and thus think they're buying one thing, when they're actually buying something else. Adding this might help protect you from people who erroneously buy with the wrong definition in mind. Bullet point lists. (And unlimited revisions) Maybe it's just me, but I can't stand bland lists like that. Read this: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/329389-how-to-craft-a-killer-gig-description-that-converts/ As for the unlimited revisions, see (DES) point 1: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/195299-basics-to-improve-your-gig-a-helpful-breakdown-and-guide/ (Oh, wait, I already suggested this to you nearly four years ago.)
  7. You can try quoting the Fiverr Terms of Service at them: --- --- (I suggest you read this section of the ToS yourself, so that you can more easily get out of this bad purchase.)
  8. It's spoofed, cloned, mocked, façade. The actual Fiverr checkout page does look similar, from what I've read here in the forums. Fake websites, insidiously crafted to look like the original, are a favorite scammer tool. This was just posted today, by an official Fiverr staff member: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/330548-handling-spam-messages/
  9. I didn't. Others did. Start at the top. Read through your thread. I guess that answers that question, though. Advice: If you want to be successful as a self-employed person, you need to be able to self-educate. This includes a lot of reading, both of claims and counterclaims.
  10. As soon as there a hint of "I'd like to change X" I would start replying with "I'd be happy to work with you further, those kinds of changes will cost X". Immediately let the Buyer know that change orders cost more. If you're willing to make an exception, be explicit and clearly state "I'm willing to do X and Y for no extra charge as a courtesy, but I'll need to charge for V, W, and Z, in the amounts of A, B, and C, respectively." This can include changes that you just don't like, such as when you had to explain yourself for the choices you made. If the client wants to insist on their product being worse, then it's still extra work for you. Even explaining takes time. In the beta-reader sector, there's something called a 'reader report' that we can charge extra for, if a writer want us to go do into deeper detail rather than a more casual overview. You can do something similar, should you ever encounter a situation like this again. "I'm happy you're interested in understanding the details of the choices I've made, a thorough report like that will take some time to type up, so I think $x is fair compensation for this extra work on your project." This signals that yes, it's more work on your part, that yes, there IS a reason for doing what you've done, not just 'I felt like it' which might cut down on the questions, as it shows that 'I know what I'm doing, please put some trust in me'. And if they still want the report, be it for lack of trust or plain curiosity, at least you'll be paid for it. You've been smart in posting it in your FAQ (I'm guessing I looked at the right gig) "What "revisions" means ? Revisions include modifications you would want on a given concept. New concepts are of course excluded" but you need to stand up to what you've said.
  11. You've already been given some links that can help you. Which ones did you read?
  12. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011028318-Managing-your-Gigs Quote: "In the marketplace, a Gig's position is based on the seller’s performance over a set period. Gig positions are not permanent and can rotate daily." Fiverr's search engine isn't like Google. No one knows how it works.
  13. It's no bother. You're asking for help, I'm merely offering some ideas that might help. Sorry if I came across harshly. I'm an amateur artist myself, and I've also been through periods of financial strain, so I understand both sides of that struggle. Have you read this thread yet? https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/ There are a few sections that are outdated, but overall it's a GREAT resource for a lot of starter stuff.
  14. I'd be more grateful if the main Fiverr platform had some kind of barrier to entry. Every single one of those posts were (as far as I could tell and as far as I bothered to check) made from brand new profiles, both on Fiverr and on the forum. Meaning they made Fiverr profiles, for the sole purpose of joining the forums and spamming their junk.
  15. Like the following that I used to post in newcomer's 'how I mek-sel' threads: I'm pretty sure 'wholesome' hasn't been in their lexicon since they (Fiverr as a company) went public. That said. I have no way to forward this idea, other than tagging Staff, and (bluntly) I'd rather not draw attention to myself while I'm still a prickly ball of resentment and aggrievance.
  16. Interesting idea. No clue if that's an option. The forums actually aren't Fiverr proprietary. They're using 'Invision Community' as a platform. (Found at the footer of every forum page.) I'm one of the volunteers. I have no say in how the forums are run. After Fiverr killed the clubs, I have even less incentive to help. I only stick around for... (...why do I still stick around...? What's the point?)
  17. They do. I'm only one person, though, and there are a LOT of those kinds of threads, and they are posted faster than they're easily merged, and I seem to be the only one who does bother to merge. I agree with your observation on the new spam attack. (Just in the last 10 days, there've been over 300 of these particular type.)
  18. Forum rules: Forum spam is (annoyingly) nothing new. If you really think your post should be it's own thread, then I'll split it, but it seemed more relevant to merge it, so you (and any other readers) could easily see the history of what's already been discussed.
  19. I thought I got them all... I don't browse every category.
  20. Same answer as a year ago. Does not exist, and there are no indications of Fiverr bringing it back. (Even though they have initiated 'Briefs', those are... very mixed results, from everything I've read here in the forums.)
  21. If you've made the revision, according to the Buyer's specifications, there's no reason to not use the Deliver button. They'll have three days to look it over. If the Buyer purchased revisions with their order, then say so in the delivery. "Here is your revised delivery, you have x revisions left, that are good for up to x weeks even if the order automatically closes. If you need future revisions after that time, I'll be happy to work with you and discuss a price that works for both of us."
  22. Did you delivered through the "Deliver" Button, or through the chat?
  23. You don't have any gigs? In order to sell, you need to make gigs.
  24. True! I'm already gone. This is just my ghost, still haunting and lurking, and making occasional moaning noises.
  25. Do NOT undersell yourself. That will not help at all. Desperation attracts scammers. Expand your gig description. Add two more samples by saving them as PDFs. Add some FAQs about what kind of things you will and will NOT do. Get rid of the 'cheap' tag. DO NOT OFFER UNLIMITED REVISIONS. Maybe make a second gig for just line-art comics without color. Maybe a third gig if you're good at 'inking' other people's drawings.
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