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Everything posted by laxmichakma7

  1. hi, The following URLs may be used in your profile or Gig description: ammyy.com blogspot.com flickr.com mixcloud.com reverbnation.com soundcloud.com spotify.com teamviewer.com tumblr.com vimeo.com wetransfer.com wikipedia.org youtube.com You can also use URL's that lead to general websites, such as Google.com, or to websites that provide free tools, such as wordcount.com or colorpicker.com. Remember that it is not allowed for users to share personal contact details on their profile or Gig description. If you use a URL in your Gig, which is not in the above list, your Gig may be denied. Repetitive violations may also cause an account to be restricted. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360016541618-Allowed-Links-for-Gigs
  2. hey friends , help me please. why my gigs impression and click is going down day by day? i am feeling so bad. not getting orders.
  3. why my gigs click very low? recently, my gigs click has very low. but impressions is high. not getting enough order so far.
  4. Dear ,Community Members of fiverr recently i am trying to get new order from new buyer. but i am not getting from any order from new buyer. however, my old buyers gives me job at the recent time. anyone can advise me why recently happened like this situation?
  5. How can i improve my gigs? please suggestions me.
  6. hi, all of forum member. recently i am not getting enough response and impressions and click is getting down. can anyone help me out how can i improve my gigs?
  7. Hi, everyone. recently my gigs is down. how can i improve? can anyone help me please?
  8. Hi, everyone. recently my gigs is down. how can i improve? can anyone help me please?

  9. In recent times, i am not getting any new order. what should to do at this time? anyone help me out please.
  10. Recently I’m not getting much order. WHy? can anybody suggest me please?
  11. recently, not getting job enough. last two month is very hard to getting any order. why?
  12. Hi friends. in recent time. i have more Impressions on my gigs. but not getting order. could anybody help me out please?
  13. Recently my gigs Click ,impressions and order is going to down. i am very upset at this moment because my gigs Click ,impressions is going to bad. anybody suggest me? why i am facing this problem? https://www.fiverr.com/laxmichakma7
  14. Could anybody help me? recently not getting any order. my gigs are eye catching or not? please help me. Thanks-Laxmi. Stay Safe… https://www.fiverr.com/laxmichakma7
  15. not getting enough orders than another month. can you suggest to me how can I improve my gigs?
  16. I think it’s spamming. do you read the Fiverr 2020 gig ranking policy? also, I checked your gigs, you have earn more FAV, VIEW, etc. but you didn’t get any order yet.
  17. where I will marketing? do you have any idea?
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