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Everything posted by laxmichakma7

  1. Could anybody help me? recently not getting any order. my gigs are eye catching or not? please help me. Thanks-Laxmi. Stay Safe… https://www.fiverr.com/laxmichakma7
  2. not getting enough orders than another month. can you suggest to me how can I improve my gigs?
  3. I think it’s spamming. do you read the Fiverr 2020 gig ranking policy? also, I checked your gigs, you have earn more FAV, VIEW, etc. but you didn’t get any order yet.
  4. where I will marketing? do you have any idea?
  5. in recent times, I’m not getting much order. how can I improve my gigs? please suggest me.
  6. I am not getting enough orders than last month. My service is related to Print Design. e: FLYERS, POSTCARD, CATALOG, etc. are you face the same to me? https://www.fiverr.com/laxmichakma7
  7. my gigs rank getting down in recently. could anyone suggest to me how can I improve my gigs?
  8. yes, unfortunately not getting enough orders than others days.
  9. I edited one gig, cause of didn’t still yet receive any order this gig.
  10. I need some suggestions . please help me.
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