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  1. Congratualation!!.. mojority New freelancers became level two and senior freelancers became level 1 or no level. this is the Transparent system where we don't know whats going on behind the success score. I think previous system was transparent where we see our all statics about our performance.
  2. 100% order completion rate , 100% Deliver on time, almost 100% response rate.. 5 star Ratings all the Time. Always exceed the buyer expectations but Success Score : 6 (Negative impact Buyer satisfaction). if I understand buyer requirements in first Attempt then why should I ask him extra question to increase communication with the buyer. if buyer super happy with the final result then why we should ask him to change his mind. everything was going smooth but this Fiverr new level system made me so uncomfortable. my inactive gig dragging me in lower success rate even my best seller gig have 6 success score.
  3. I was waiting for this Info.. Thanks Team Fiverr Logo Maker. 🙂
  4. I can Change entire Logo with a New version of Same Logo. But as per your Instruction I just made Changes as per allowed in "Logo Maker". Thank You 🙂
  5. Maybe someone Copied this Logo from Logo maker and started selling on Shutter stock.
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