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  1. That's not true. I have Zero orders in queue right now and i have seen people on fiverr front pages who have 50+ orders in queue in the same category. This has nothing to do with how many orders in queue, if that were to be true nobody would have 50+ orders in queue for a website development gig when there are so many other sellers out there. I have seen at least 10+ orders normally on front page gigs. While people like me are dependent only on promoted gigs. So unfair 😞
  2. Privately as in what fiverr sees ? Because no matter what i do, or how many 5 star reviews i get. The gig score is hardly affected. If it's gonna take 100 orders to increase the score (thinking of a random number) in let's say 4 months of time. Then that is completely impossible for me because according to my current situation i only got 24 orders in past 4 months. So if i won't get any orders how can i even rank up ? I think for sellers who have crossed a certain threshold of orders, it's very hard for them to rank. For sellers with less number of orders it is very easy for them to rank up especially the new sellers who have just joined recently. I think by changing two key things in this new levelling system can fix the situation for old sellers 1. Only consider past 30 or 60 days of orders to evaluate the gig score just like it was before. 2. Don't compare sellers performance with other sellers. Fixing these two key things might might be able to help old freelancers like us to again gain that TRS level back. Although they say that new orders hold more weightage than older ones. But so far i haven't seen that affecting my success score.
  3. Selling on fiverr since 2018. My gigs were always on front page of fiverr search results because of my good work. In 2 years of time in 2020 i became TRS. In 2024 i had earned over $123,600+ on fiverr and i was doing really great. Then all of a sudden New Level System got announced, that got implemented in March and i got demoted to a Level 1 seller. Wow! (4 years being a TRS and got suddenly demoted to a Level 1). All my gigs went from 1st page to 6th or 7th page, even now. Earnings dropped from a whopping $3000-$3500/month to just $600-$800/month. Stopped getting all sorts of organic client messages. My only source of leads is now Promoted gigs and that's it. I have a success score of 6, when this all began. Now almost 4 months later it is still 6. In 4 months i have only completed 24 orders (95% came from promoted gigs), with an average score of 4.9 rating in these 24 orders. Never once i delivered a late order because i had so much time completing less number of orders. Communication was always 100%, even buyers gave me good feedbacks and tips on level of communication and fast delivery. Now what have i done to deserve this @Kesha ? I contacted fiverr support multiple times to check my account, there is something wrong with it. I can't be a level 1 seller. I can't be making $800 a month. Being frustrated at this, i joined Upwork. In just these 4 months i became a Top Rated Seller on Upwork. Brilliant! Which means it's not that i have lost my talent or i am bad at what i do or that i am incompetent. What good happened ? Well at least i am slowly slowly getting back to monthly earnings (thanks to Upwork for saving me). I absolutely hate the new levelling system, i don't understand why fiverr is so proud about this new level system when it's clearly not working for most of the people on fiverr. These past 4 months were the worst months of my entire career as a freelancer on fiverr.
  4. Just say "Your honest feedback and personal experience are valuable to my growth on the platform." This is the best you can say without causing any sort of warning
  5. Hi @Kesha can you please clarify if the success score is calculated for the past 60 days like before or is it taking in account data since that gig was made ?
  6. In my case it is, don't know why because i too have taken many extensions on the order, and only few orders were delivered a bit late but because of late responses from clients and i had to take more extensions. This new level system didn't considered those metrics, fiverr should take some time and do some more R&D before launching this.
  7. I think you should ask fiverr to cancel this order because extending the order will only result in a bad metric which is "Delivery time" - Strong Negative impact
  8. That's what happens when a company takes decisions without launching a beta test and like 10% R&D.
  9. I feel your pain alan, this has happened to me so many times, they should add a system in cases like this where time can be extended if client is not responding. Either by contacting fiverr customer support or giving us an option in resolution center
  10. I am in the same boat as you are, got demoted from TRS to level 1 because of this new level system. Majority of my orders that got cancelled are not my fault and many of them are cancelled by fiverr customer care. @Kesha If they implemented this system after 14 years of fiverr establishment, then why are they measuring scores from past 14 years ? They should just start measuring the scores from this year or this month onwards This is really frustrating because our past should not affect our future, with this new level system many freelancers are going to loose business and clients. I hope with all the feedback received from forums they will change things in this new level system and make it more positive than negative which is the current scenario right now.
  11. First i was dropped to a Level 2 from TRS and then they made me a level 1 from being a TRS for over 5 years straight. This is very bad, my highest selling gig has a score of 6. I did not expected this.....
  12. I don't like this new rating system, this is done intentionally so nobody can have a perfect 5 star rating on their profile. Because let's face it, buyers already don't leave reviews on orders sometimes and i have 70% orders rated only and that too when i ask buyers to leave feedback on the order. Nobody is going to rate exceptional because this wording means that the work was really outstanding and seller went way up and beyond for the order. I think 4 star will be the new average rating we would be getting the most since most buyers would just select "very good" because they don't know they are giving stars based on that. My average rating has decreased from a perfect 5.0 to 4.5 in just 2 weeks because of this and i am a TRS. Now i am afraid it will be go below the average 4.2 that is required to maintain the TRS level. Please fiverr team if this is still a beta, please change back to older levelling system or at least change the wording to Unsatisfactory > Marginal > Satisfactory > Good > Very Good Choosing words carefully would leave a good impact and more better reviews. @Kesha
  13. Not at all, my earnings have doubled since they turned this feature off and added Buyer's briefs instead.
  14. Have you tried buyer's briefs option ? it's on the gigs page on top...you can enable it to get buyer's briefs
  15. So this is has happened to me multiple times that someone has copied my entire gig image, placed their own picture instead of mine and voila they got a new gig image. I mean why does people even do that ? I have reported such sellers multiple times and yet it keeps happening to me. I won't say their names here for the sake of confidentiality but c'mon guys why can't you just create your own gig images ? Due to this reason i had to change my gig images across my entire gig lineup. When i asked these sellers why they did that, this was their response "You are very popular on fiverr and we thought we can take inspiration from you gig picture". Well then take inspiration please!!! Don't copy the entire gig image and slap your photo instead of mine! This is a "Non-Original Standard" and you can read about it here https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/intellectual-property and also on this topic here
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