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Status Replies posted by jonbaas

  1. hi I am interested 

    1. jonbaas


      Interested in what?

  2.  Hi, Jonbaas,

    You Can answer eloquently and beautifully. So you are generous.


    1. jonbaas


      You're welcome.

  3. I will 17,460 google maps citations for gmb ranking and local SEO

    1. jonbaas


      Please do not post useless spam on my forum profile. I have no interest in your services.

  4. I am a digital marketer and SEO expert. I am also expert promote youtube channel and youtube seo .But i dont get client.How i can get client??

    1. jonbaas


      You claim to be a marketer. Therefore, you don't need any help from me. Use the marketing and promotion skills that you already posess to earn customers. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. I am a digital marketer and SEO expert. I am also expert promote youtube channel and youtube seo .But i dont get client.How i can get client??

    1. jonbaas


      If you are an "expert Youtube channel promoter", then you already know how to earn customers.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Hi, Jon! My five post limit has been reached. I'm confused. How is it against Fiverr's TOS to find potential buyers away from Fiverr and service them away from Fiverr?

    1. jonbaas


      It's not against the TOS to find customers elsewhere (that's encouraged!), but it is against the TOS to provide the work, for any buyer who hires you on Fiverr, anywhere else. If they hired you through Fiverr, that work MUST be completed and delivered through the Fiverr system.

  7. Hi, Jon,

    I see you have compiled quite a few followers. BUT I still have more than you!

    But i do not know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. 🤔

    1. jonbaas


      Apparently, people are fearful of that lightsaber you wield so expertly within your profile image. So fearful of your Jedi skills, in fact, that they have flocked to me for perceived protection. I, however, am an expert wielder of wit and wisdom, so they may not be better off. 😛 

  8. Love reading your posts 

  9. I saw you peeking at my wildflower thread. 👀 Are you looking for a wildflower image to share with us from your state? 

    1. jonbaas


      I do. In fact, I have a large nature preserve right beyond the borders of my back yard. But I still don't have insight, at the present time, into the local unique flora. 😉

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. I saw you peeking at my wildflower thread. 👀 Are you looking for a wildflower image to share with us from your state? 

    1. jonbaas


      Alas, no. I am not familiar enough with the unique Wisconsin flora to be able to post a wildflower image. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. Hello, Jon,

    How are things in your world? Are you working tonight or taking the evening off to spend with the wifey? 

    1. jonbaas


      Indeed! She looks forward to it every summer. 🙂 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hello, Jon,

    How are things in your world? Are you working tonight or taking the evening off to spend with the wifey? 

    1. jonbaas


      Things are good. Rather quiet, in fact. Tonight is a creative project night. And, as far as "the wifey", she's visiting her family right now (something she does every summer), so I have the house to myself for two weeks. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. Hey Jon, I see you already got to level 9! 😲 Just this morning you were still level 8. 😳

    You're catching up with the lost time. 😂

    1. jonbaas


      Indeed. Although, to be honest, I'm just interacting on the forum. I'm not really trying to gain any levels or badges. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Greetings Jon,

    I see you posting? Aren't you a bit out of your usual time here? I mean usually you are a night and evening FF user. 

    1. jonbaas


      You do have a point, though. I should probably get to the other projects I have set to work on today. 😉

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. Greetings Jon,

    I see you posting? Aren't you a bit out of your usual time here? I mean usually you are a night and evening FF user. 

    1. jonbaas


      I come and go. I guess, today, I signed into the FF, and just got caught up reading posts. 🙃

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. Hmm. Interesting. I seem to have "won the day" today, with the most liked content. That appears to break your 8-day streak. 🤔

    1. jonbaas


      Neither did I at first, either. The link is rather well-hidden, and doesn't actually look like a link.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  17. Hmm. Interesting. I seem to have "won the day" today, with the most liked content. That appears to break your 8-day streak. 🤔

    1. jonbaas


      [shrug] ... I guess I'm just persistent. 😛

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  18. Hmm. Interesting. I seem to have "won the day" today, with the most liked content. That appears to break your 8-day streak. 🤔

    1. jonbaas


      Apparently I am now ranked, on the forum as a level 8 user, a "Community Regular". As far as earned badges, I only have eight.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  19. Hmm. Interesting. I seem to have "won the day" today, with the most liked content. That appears to break your 8-day streak. 🤔

    1. jonbaas


      Well, I suppose, at the very least, it's an interesting mechanism on the new forum. I'm just interacting, as I did before, I'm not trying to make a game of it. But, I will admit, I am seeing a LOT of spamming -- a lot of thank-you posts, copy-paste "guides", and other pointless comments -- that seems to be helping certain people rise in forum rank. I would greatly appreciate seeing less of that, as it does nothing productive for the forum. The ranking "game" might be a fun little diversion, but I fear it also promotes the wrong kind participation on the forum. It also seems to make some users think that by rising in rank, they'll get orders too.

      As for my badges, I think I've only earned three, and they were the basic, "awesome, you posted your first comment" kind of badges. I started with 3-5 badges that, I assume, carried over from the previous platform.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  20. Jon, you are killing it when it comes to earning badges. I think you are enjoying making up for lost time! 

    1. jonbaas


      Perhaps. 😜

  21. Hey @Jonbaas - can you please make a little room in your inbox, please.  I'd like to send you a PM.


    1. jonbaas


      Yep, trust is not an issue of concern with my wife either. 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  22. Hey @Jonbaas - can you please make a little room in your inbox, please.  I'd like to send you a PM.


    1. jonbaas


      Oh, she already knows about all of you. 😉

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  23. Hey @Jonbaas - can you please make a little room in your inbox, please.  I'd like to send you a PM.


    1. jonbaas


      To be honest, I haven't had this many women wanting to send me personal messages since.... well, a very long time. 😛 🤣

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  24. Hey @Jonbaas - can you please make a little room in your inbox, please.  I'd like to send you a PM.


  25. Hey @Jonbaas - can you please make a little room in your inbox, please.  I'd like to send you a PM.


    1. jonbaas


      As far as I can see, my inbox is completely open to new messages. I deleted everything in there (from the previous forum platform), and there is now only 2% of my box filled up. Unless there a setting somewhere, that I haven't found yet, you should be able to message me without any troubles. 🙂

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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