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About vickiespencer

  • Birthday 03/25/1904


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  1. Just saw that your "Word Story Game" didn't go so good. Bummer.

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    2. vickiespencer


      Then he made a new Emoji game in which he would post each puzzle and tell the participants if they were correct or not! 

    3. vickiespencer


      Do you think he despised me? I thought he just wanted points? 🤔

      "And he took the competed. He did not it right."

      Okay, asad931, I will help you by giving you an English lesson today. 

      I think you meant to say:

      "He made a competing game and doing that was not right."

      I agree! 

      I think was not very happy that I would not play either of his games and instead argued with him. But both of his games were taken down. So we know who was correct. 😊

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