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Everything posted by katakatica

  1. You need those AND to be handpicked (so basically, you only qualify once you have earned that much and completed that many orders. I was qualified for 6 or 7 months before getting my badge but it can take longer (or you can be chosen ASAP...or never.) Basically, it depends.
  2. I think the general consensus so far has been that now you're competing against other level 2 sellers 'more' (as in, your gigs aren't just going against level one, but level 2 as well, in a way.) You might have had good stats for level 1, but there might be others in the same category who just outdo you on level 2. If I'm being honest, I'm not sure I'd dare to order from you. Don't get me wrong, I've had my fair share of not-so-perfect reviews, and I won't blame you for those, but the way you reply to some of those clients would turn me off. I totally get the need to stand up for yourself, but there are more tactful ways to do it. You do seem to have a ton of return clients, though, so hopefully, things will work out for you (since they'll likely still order from you again!) I will also say that your gigs read a bit differently from how you communicate with buyers/on here. People might feel misled (though, of course, you can't really judge writers based on their chatting tones only, but still! Maybe making sure that you communicate in a similar manner to how your gigs are written would help as well. Your gigs look OK, though they could likely use new pictures and some (Fiverr-safe) examples. Those can help bring in sales, too! Obviously, I haven't seen your actual writing/products, so these are just guesses, but... always good to look at what you offer from a buyer's POV first. Once you're sure it's absolutely perfect, look at how you market yourself (and so on.) That's what I do, at least!
  3. So following some topics we've talked about prior, I wanted to just... make sure you all remember to take care of yourself! Whether it's a walk in the park, you need some more coffee (or self-care, which I've been trying to do more of!), do it! Freelancing might be demanding, but we deserve to be taken care of! Fridays, for me, are sometimes the toughest days of the week. If I fail to meet my own (stricter than the clients') deadlines (usually 4-5 days before things are due), I can get very crabby with myself, but... for what reason? Clients won't run away! I think I still need to truly realize this, but... I'm taking steps to be able to truly step away for the weekend (or at least when I need to.) How do you guys try to take care of yourselves these days? Any new fun discoveries (new cookies, teas, etc.?) or just long-lasting routines? For me, the biggest step will be getting a new office chair soon. I use one of the dining room chairs (have for a while now.), and last week I wrecked my arm due to it (it's a posture thing, we think, but it's been very painful), so I... Finally going to take the time to browse and find a chair that works for me! (I'll also be taking it easy today to fully recuperate and play some news games I found but technically, that counts as research for me, so..:P)
  4. Again, that is unlikely to be due to not showing as online. That being said, I had a look at your profile and there are a few things that I noticed. One being the fact that your gigs' descriptions/etc. don't match the way you talk on here. If you use Grammarly for your profile (which is perfectly fine), I definitely think you could use that on here (and in any client communications as well if you don't already) just to iron out those possible mistakes. As a client, I would be a bit thrown off by the difference and it's a fairly easy fix. Another thing that is perhaps a bit more important is that your designs (to me, someone who doesn't do art) feel sort of generic? So do your gigs. People like to see unique things. Maybe even trying to niche down would hurt. I think you're struggling now because even though your services are super cheap (and you try your best), what you do can sort of easily be replaced by canva (or other software) in-house. I'm not doubting your skills by any means, but there's just no 'spark' or anything special there. People seek that out. Maybe this worked back in 2019, but the world is changing very quickly, and there are only more and more people trying the exact same thing that you're doing. Basically, what you do likely isn't unique enough. I would sit down and think about what you could offer that might be just a twinge different from the tens of other people doing the same thing! (of course, another guess would be negative private reviews but you never really know that... So I'm just thinking from the point of view of a buyer right now.)
  5. When I first started out on Fiverr, I would often get orders while sleeping. Nowadays, I just get messages as I usually work on bigger projects. Being / showing online does very little when you're competing thousands and thousands of other sellers who are doing the exact same thing. If you are TRS or PRO MAYBE you could get lucky, but then people are already filtering for your rank, right? I can see that you're level 2, but my point still stands, especially in your category. It's very likely that the drop in new orders is due to something else. Did you maybe get some bad reviews? Any canceled orders? Your online status is likely just a visual bug (like how everyone seems online if you click on their profile) and will probably go away! If it really bothers you, CS might help, but I genuinely don't think solving this will help with orders sadly...
  6. Do you mean you're trying to upload this to your gigs? Or are you trying to send this out as a brief? Based on your title, that's what I'm assuming, which might qualify it spam unless you are looking for someone to work on your video. Briefs aren't for us to advertise our services with; they are for buyers. If you're trying to get work through them, it's classified as spam. If I misunderstood you and you are having issues creating a gig, I'd double-check the video/title/description just in case. Maybe you used a clip that you don't have full rights to by accident?
  7. Just between us, I don't think buyers like to be hunted.... (being active 'all time active' on 'this fiverr' does very little but toy with your sanity. Here's a tip: Take the time you'd use to post short posts like this on the forum to build a portfolio! It helps!
  8. I will also have to disagree on saying 'most' are cancelled. It's just not something we can say for sure unless we are keeping track (and most established sellers don't, I bet.) I guess you can observe it in forums and stuff but even then, that is an incorrect statement for sure. BUT I think it's universal. Fiverr has started (from what we can tell) using some sort of ways to see if new profiles pass or not. I'm not quite aure if it's a quality assessment or just a quick plagiarism detector (or IP address check / etc.) but I think ultimately the goal is vetting out new people who have little talent and try to sell things you can do yourself for free for x times the price (for example logo design templates that you can make online instead of making them themselves and so on.) It's going to change things for sure but will definitely be a slow process.
  9. They were likely demoted for some reason or other. Anyone can lose their level.
  10. I had a few weeks when I had more briefs than normal, and they were actually pretty relevant, I even got one order from them! That being said... they are pretty sparse now. Quite a few spams, some just random nonsense? (there was one that read like a Facebook post?) and the usual too-cheap stuff is what seems normal. I leave them on because I'm curious, but to be honest, I think buyers still need to learn how to use them properly (and sellers, too.) I think the feature if monitored properly, could be fun, but... so far, it's just 'meh'.
  11. But which one? I'd think you mean briefs replacing BR, but since you're mentioning the algorithm, I'm assuming you mean something else? Nothing changed for me PERSONALLY, so I'm just not sure. Was there an update (that was made public) that changed things recently?
  12. It won't. Having the app on your phone does that. I find that I miss way more notifications on my laptop, especially while gaming/etc. Being online with extensions (which is a no-no) also doesn't work. I don't even have notifications on my phone, just check every once in a while when needed and still don't miss messages. Your instinct is right, it does very little (if anything!) I think the theory behind it was 'if you are online, Fiverr will think that you are serious about being on here/you can reply faster/etc.' While buyers CAN filter by online sellers, due to the sheer number of sellers, it just doesn't matter... Having great gigs, being responsive and polite is a lot more important.
  13. What update are you referring to exactly? I'm a bit confused since Fiverr has changed a lot in the past couple years - is there anything in specific that's giving you trouble?
  14. Vague terms like this bring on bad stuff only. OK, I want you to imagine this. - You desperately NEED writing for a game you're working on (again, this scenario is fake, just...think about it.) - You find ME - a highly-rated seller in my field. We decide on a short test order (which would be the same as a single logo/design.) - I tell you that I offer revisions until we are both happy with the order (it's only 250 words, what could go wrong) - You HATE the first version, so ask me to rewrite it. I do so. - You are OK with the second one but need tweaks. Fine. - One more time (- and so on) - In the end, I say, 'hey, these stories are looking a bit too different now; you'll have to start paying for them'. - You go 'wait, no', accept the order and leave a review of admitting that you are nitpicky, but the story just wasn't up to your expectations. How do you think I would review you (if I want to be honest, that is? Would I - as a top seller who has a great reputation go 'eh, they demand too much and are annoying. They suck.' OR say 'we had some trouble setting our expectations. Unfortunately, it seems like we aren't the best fit for each other, but we tried out best to come up with something we both were alright with' People will see you react to others, and buyers will believe other buyers first. They are the ones who pay, after all. (now, should revisions be limited to what you offer? Yeah. But I think it's been like this forever.)
  15. It's likely because you delivered less orders than 60 days from when you cancelled those 3 orders. The system always looks at the past 60 days (I think 60 at least), so if for example, you had an amazing week two months and a week ago and delivered 10 orders, but you only delivered 5 last week, the 'worse' results replaces the better one. Basically, all you can do is keep delivering! It's just Math.
  16. I am a top-rated writer on here, and I've had to re-write things. Only once, yes, but we all have bad days, and sometimes there are just people we can't please. Knowing how to REACT to the situation (either by standing up for ourselves by cancelling or quoting the clients for a new revision OR by trying to understand them better) and how to TAKE bad criticism is really important. Some people will be mean to you, and that sucks. It really does. But as the seller, you can't say, 'booo, this person sucks'. That's one of those 'keep it in and replace it with something kinder' things. Being honest doesn't equal being unkind or mean. I get that you had a rough go with this client and that's not fun, but how you deal with it is on you. Maybe your designs weren't what they wanted, maybe they WERE great and someone else would have loved them. Maybe they weren't. It's hard to say, but being humble, honest and firm will set you apart from others with similar issues (again, this is fairly normal in creative fields.)
  17. I'm so glad you found it... But truthfully, I understand in a way. Back in 2020, I had a time period where I was more anxiety than human (not even due to work or depression just... fear.) I've travelled far and wide before, went through so much, but then just... crashed. It was not a good time. Thank you so much for sharing, honestly. I think what sort of feels the 'toughest' is that work for me just adds on to all the other things I'm stressed/anxious about. Sometimes I get a message at night or the morning and just ignore it for a bit (even though I know performance matters) because I'm not in the state to answer in that moment. Learning that it's better to do that way has been very hard. The only reason I can take time off is to be with my partner - the fact that he works a 9 to 5 really helps me structure my life a bit better! I think otherwise I'd be sitting at my desk writing until 2AM! I think what used to make it hard for me is the dopamine I'd get from a good review / etc. I would FEEL happy (for ten seconds) even when burnt out. It was sort of 'hard to see the forest from the tree' situation (:P). Realizing that there's other good stuff around has been hard but very rewarding. Making homemade food has become such a joy, even though I struggled with cooking at first, clinging to the 2 recipes I knew 😄 Now I'm much better. I'm glad that you could take some time off! It's so much easier once you're in the habit of it, I find! We had some lovely sunny days for a bit so we took walks. Now it's all snowy!
  18. Well, I think the main reason is the fact that you might have the process a bit wrong (which happens I think for a couple of reasons!) 1. You order, pay. Order doesn't start yet. You fill in the requirements section. 3. Seller STARTS on your work. 4. Seller delivers. You ask for a revision or complete the order. You're supposed to pay first, submit the requirements and only THEN should the seller start. Otherwise, there's no guarantee buyers will pay. (I'm assuming that your seller either did the work BEFORE you paid or you paid but didn't send the requirements through. if it was the second one, it's a fairly easy fix; just do it quickly whenever you order. If it's the worst, that goes against how orders should be!) It might be a bit annoying, but it's for a reason. Paying AFTER you get what you want is risky for the site since many people would run away. (there's ways to remove watermarks now for example, so...)
  19. Hey Touslim! I will start with the painful truth - being online doesn't guarantee orders and that will NOT help you. As a top rated seller, I often seek out new sellers to help me with small things related to my personal projects (not work as that could be against the rules and I prefer to work solo.) There's a few things that I have noticed about new sellers. It might not be true for everyone (not the people I order from for the most part at least) but still. Many newbies follow advice they found online about easy things they can sell to people. The issue with that is that clients like that could very simply do those things themselves. A lot of new sellers also struggle with English. When it comes to most services, you NEED to have solid communication skills. Even if you work in a different language, as long as you need to communicate in English, people wont trust you out of fear that you might misunderstand things. Many new sellers expect work just for signing up, but that's not how things work on here. We all need to offer something of value. If you're struggling to ger orders for more than a few weeks, I think the solution is reevaulating your profile and what you offer. Try to see if maybe you can do something else that would sell better. Think from a buyer's point of view instead of seeing what you've seen online (if you've followed advice, it's not working.) People will only notice you if you offer something truly unique and useful!
  20. Could it be something caused by the new earnings page? Nowadays only funds that have cleared show up there - which means that one might have to wait for up to two weeks for that to show up. Or are the amounts just completely wrong even if you look at them this way? If they are, contacting CS might be an option. (Mine at least has been fine so far, it's just an odd change.)
  21. Fiverr isn't a video game, and if you follow advice that makes it seem as easy as a game, you're almost certainly bound to fail. Affordable prices are great, but what ELSE can you offer to your customers? You use the same examples for all of your gigs. People might feel like they can't see enough of your portfolio or that that's all you can make. Maybe broadening that could help? Fiverr isn't a - log in, get order for existing - type of website (no freelancing site should be.) You earn your customer's trust first. Making gigs that are similar to thousands of others doesn't help. What would I do if I were you? - Sit down - Look at your gigs from a buyer's point of view - Think about perhaps making your communication a bit better (aka your English). Take some quick courses on how to communicate in writing. - Think about what you're selling. Is it REALLY unique and useful? Is it really only worth what you're selling it for? 2 weeks without orders is a rocky start, but not unheard of, but only YOU can turn your luck around.
  22. katakatica


    Directly contacting other sellers for orders is against the ToS at this point for two separate reasons now (spamming is prohibited, but also, outsourcing can only be done if you change the work up enough (or for example, as an artist outsource some voice acting or similar). You can't just pay someone who does what you do for less and sell it for more money anymore. The issue is the frequency. I get several messages like that a day sometimes, which if I don't catch on fast, for all I know, hurts my response rate and potentially my conversion. (technically it doesn't but it does mess with the numbers at least and I hate that.) I'm honestly totally for teaming up, but in a different way. Also, most of these sellers, as mentioned above, don't even have actual gigs set up! It's totally different if you see some services on the forum or something (though again, grey area) but asking for work is not supported by the platform itself at the moment. That being said nowadays I mostly get scam, but sometimes 5-7 a day on newer gigs! It's been rather weird but I just write 'nope' or 'bye' and block them.
  23. Hey! Honestly, I would make two different gigs - one for editing and one for writing. While I see why you think it makes sense to combine them, I think it's a lot better to be more clear. As a writer, for the premium tier I just add a package with more words. I personally think having the N/A there especially is a bit off. Have you looked around in your niche / in general? Check out how the gigs that are selling well in editing / blog writing are structured and don't be afraid to niche down. I understand why people think that the broader range of services you offer, the better, but on here being able to specialise in certain areas seems to work better. We are all up against pretty tough competition, so we all have to stand out somehow. Give your gig(s) a bit more thought! You have the skills, you just need to tailor the way you sell it to this specific marketplace.
  24. This does depend on what you do, I think. Writing still takes roughly the same (if not more time with editing/etc.) for me than before. Have I improved? Absolutely. But I wouldn't say my work is 'too easy'. Some people can't help it... they mistake sellers for elephants 😛 (jokes aside, raising my prices helped this to SOME extent, but not... fully. I often wish I could take on fun projects that would pay me less, but it just wouldn't be profitable for me, so I end up having to say no)
  25. Honestly, you might have had a boost to your gig (if it was new). It happens. There are a lot of sellers on Fiverr, so people might just be checking different gigs out now. Of course, if you had a negative experience prior to this, it's also possible that you got a negative private review (which we don't see.) I took some hits back in December, from what I can tell, and it took me a bit to recover, even as a TRS. If I were you, I'd maybe refresh my gig images a bit, maybe make a new gig or two if there's anything else that you could offer! Staying online needlessly does nothing other than wreck your body if you're actually staring at the screen and doing nothing else! Hopefully things will go back to normal!
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