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  1. I believe you can report bug by opening support tickets, may i know why you didnt contact Fiverr Support directly about the issue? Because I always contact FIverr directly if there is something i think is wrong
  2. They embrance NFT technology, but didnt implement even the most basic crypto tech. I would love to be able to withdraw USDT or USDC in low fees network like Solana or any Eth layer 2. This alone would solve all problems with countries that cant use paypal.
  3. Exactly what i feel, my order will be dried up if nothing changes on Fiverr 😞
  4. I mainly do logo design, but i dont have logo design as profession and instead i got UI UX, i also do UI UX but my main selling gig is logo design and branding
  5. Just re applied for logo maker again after getting kicked a year ago, i have improved my portfolio and quality by a ton. I hope this time i got in again.
  6. I think i saw your thread on Reddit. Im in similiar situation, but like @johnparsons01 experienced. Mine already been like this since the new success score update (at the start of this year). I get one or two new buyer, but its usually from promoted gig and its rare. My impression is getting lower and lower, and im very concerned that my time with Fiverr are numbered.
  7. Okay thank you for clarification 🙂
  8. Is it me or the Thread title is changing?
  9. The success score system compare you with other seller in the same category, so if other seller doing better, you might get dropped. CS told me this. Which i think is very very unfair.
  10. My weekly impression goes down slowly everyweek, im afraid it will just goes to zero one day T.T
  11. I dont think Fiverr is dying, but i feel like my gig is dying after the success score update
  12. exactly feel the same way here. Im getting more stress and afraid i would lose Fiverr as my main income 😞
  13. Hi @Kesha So i got proffesion option of UI and UX designer, i offer UI UX but my main selling gig is Logo design, is there will be logo design profesion for me? and also for verify and using real photo, you can see my current image right now, you can see i have hair right? im current bald (cant tell you why but i shaved it off, and will grow back in months) im afraid i will get rejected when verifying, and also this is not my usual look i dont want to post an image of me bald lol, and i dont really like posting my face online. Is it a must to use my face?
  14. Hello, so a year ago i was kicked out of Logo Maker feature, every 6 months i have tried re applying and didnt get accepted. Its been 6 months since my last rejection. Is there any best practice i can do to increase the likelihood of getting accepted? does anyone here have got accepted when applying manually? what platform did you use to showcase your portfolio? i have been fixing up my portfolio on dribble and adding more project inside. But it will be a bummer to get rejected and need to wait 6 months again.
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