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Everything posted by adsensewizard

  1. Thanks for Neo. We've been roleplaying a game of thrones adventure and it's been fun!
  2. People aren't on social media to do shopping.
  3. That was what I was thinking also, except 99% of my buyers are returning buyers and I can't imagine those leaving negative private reviews. I wonder why they won't tell us it if we've received a private negative review? Not directly of course, but show stats on which areas according to private reviews we should strive to improve in. It would help a seller improve their service. There's many ways to do it while keeping the buyers anonymous.
  4. I like that you can instantly gain levels as you meet the requirements, unlike the previous once a month chance. But what I don't get is the success score. I'm one of the most successful sellers on Fiverr, been here since 2012 and kept a strong 4.9 rating on my main gig since then, so 4/10 makes no sense. Lots of returning buyers, fast less than 1h response time and like one cancellation in 2 months. It just says everything is on the negative when taking a look at the success score. Do revisions and orders going overdue during revisions when working with unresponsive buyers affect it? Can't really think what else it could be. Or maybe the lack of new buyers? Lately I haven't had many of those, as my gig has been on the last page of results for 3 years. Just old returning buyers. Occasionally jumping to first page for a week if I have promoted gig going.
  5. That might be it. Instead of not adding anything to the delivery, re-deliver everything you already delivered while also lecturing them about the revision button's real purpose.
  6. Thanks! I did check that before though, and there's nothing there about revisions. Perhaps it's because I'm offering Packages and the gig is about digital marketing. Only thing the scope and pricing is allowing to change is the amount of traffic reached and regions. If I disable packages, no extra options appear. 🤔
  7. So true. You can just imagine yourself as the person who has to read your message, like take it as being a seller and receiving a message from a buyer. No matter the context, if the person seems polite and friendly, it should make you much happier to respond to it, and it's also easier to communicate with them from my experience. And in the case of CS, just imagine how many tickets they have to go through, and I would guess most of the messages to be not so polite.
  8. An order was 100% completed as ordered, and the buyer sent a revision request, but did not ask for any changes. Just commented on the service, which I thought he intended to be a review instead, or a regular message. So naturally I delivered the revision without changing anything, just replying to the comment. Then same happened again after a couple of days or so. Still a similar comment only on about how they feel about the order and nothing has been requested to change. So I delivered that as well without any changes, and felt like they were abusing the revision button. But that was not okay, and I got a warning for "empty deliveries". So now I have an another order that is similar, where a buyer sent a revision request but did not request any changes. It's just been sitting there for a few weeks, despite asking the buyer to let me know what I should deliver multiple times. The funny thing is that Fiverr always says they've been online like 2 hours ago. 😑 And when asking customer support for help, they are very cryptic and gives an answer that would render the first warning not possible to happen. That if I'm sure I've initially delivered everything, I could stick to the original delivery. Is there any way to turn revisions off these days? I remember it was possible to select the amount of revisions you offer at some point.
  9. Let's say the buyer is not active, and visits Fiverr rarely. Do you leave the order late and undelivered, waiting for revision information for an unknown amount of time (Possibly weeks or months)? While late orders can be cancelled by the buyer or maybe even the system automatically, I'm not sure if an order in revision is considered late, despite it saying LATE and being considered undelivered? Would be nice to hear people's opinions for if it happens to you one day. 🙂
  10. That seems to be normal, and not something you can help with. Gig impressions have been down 95-98% for me too for about 2-3 years now. Sharing your gig on social media has no effect on anything, unless your follower base is semi-big and interested, but not aware of your services. There's really no fix for it that I know of. I have tried everything I can think of, and nothing has helped.
  11. I've pretty much always had 1 hour response time on average. But haven't seen a badge for that yet!
  12. I agree that hampering Russians from freelancing online will benefit the Russian government more, when Fiverr and other online marketplaces ban Russian sellers. They will have to start looking for an offline job instead. I imagine they are paying soldiers extra as well currently, so many could join the military even instead of being jobless.
  13. Ensure your gigs look better than everyone else's in your category. Title, description, image and video in particular. It requires time and research, as the title in particular has to be efficient on gaining impressions. If you're not an artist, consider hiring someone to make you a great gig image and video. Then you also have to make sure your offer is better than everyone else's, so people choose your gig over someone else's. When you have returning buyers, then you can start to adjust your gig if you'd like it to be more profitable.
  14. You should try searching the exact title of the gig, see if you can then find the gigs. Another way to check is when making a support ticket, you can choose "My gig is not appearing in search", and the system automatically checks the status of the gig you select. If you can find your gig or that says it's live and listed, then you are most likely just suffering from the same thing as I am, and your gigs are way back in the search results, where not even you can find them, unless you're ready to spend time going through every page.
  15. I got my first order what.. 10 years ago? I believe it was a $5 order, and I was so happy. I got it almost instantly too when I created the gig. But back then you were guaranteed first page unless you were underperforming, as gigs were sorted by their popularity (Amount of sales mainly) and there wasn't a lot of competition, so first page was easy and orders kept coming.
  16. There's some information there that customer support has confirmed to not be true, and some that I hope is not true. Mainly 1. "The sooner you get that custom offer accepted, the better." As some people request a custom offer, but don't log in next time until 3 months and then accepts it. Even now I've sent an offer that was requested, and it has been a week or so without answer. Surely the solution according to Fiverr is to not abort offers and make the buyer ask for them again, further increasing the wait. 2. "-Delivering before the “you have 12 hours to deliver” notification." As I provide marketing, I was interested if this is true before I even noticed this post. The buyer enjoys the service more and gets more out of it the longer it is NOT delivered, as promotion goes on until the order is delivered. That is why a professional marketer who cares for their buyers will only deliver at the very last hours to give the buyer the maximum results, while still avoiding to not go overdue. Customer Support did confirm that there's no negative effect for allowing the 12 hours to deliver notification to happen. Although I've seen many traffic sellers who deliver the order when the promotion starts instead. In fact everyone did that about 6 years ago still. Then sellers started to get warnings for it, but I've seen people still do it.
  17. Did you preview the video before uploading? I made the mistake once that the video was in worse format than expected after exporting it into a video file. Check also the recommended video settings. If it's too big either size or dimensions-wise, Fiverr might resize it, making it blurry and low quality potentially.
  18. Being active does nothing, unless you're sending offers to potential buyers. You can be offline or online all week, and there's no difference. But make sure to have the Fiverr app on your phone to get notified if there's any reason to be online. Take a look at other similar gigs that are performing better than yours, and see what they are doing different. Borrow ideas, but don't copypaste.
  19. I support this petition. It's not the citizens that should be punished. But if Putin has an account here, then disable that instead. He's the one making decisions, not the average Fiverr seller from Russia.
  20. Yeah, I also remember that only google ads are not allowed last I checked. So any other way you can think of getting traffic over should be acceptable. But best to check on the rules still if anything has changed. As for promoted gigs being the only way, most people can't even use promoted gigs due to being ineligible, including me.
  21. How does the average Fiverr seller from Russia have anything to do with Putin's warmongering? A genuine question. It's not like it was their decision or could even affect it in anyway, other than to go protesting on the streets and get imprisoned.
  22. Not very useful feature. Haven't been able to use it in 4 months or so because all gigs are "Not eligible" for it suddenly, despite having more sales and ratings than most other gigs.
  23. Here's my insight to the tips on the first page 1. Get Your First Order ASAP = Probably important 2. Do Proper On-Page SEO of your Gig = Done, no noticeable improvement. Gigs still on last pages since 2019 (With rare first page during gig's promotion eligibility for days or weeks) 3. Add keywords to Gig Title = Done, no noticeable improvement 4. Add the right Keywords to Tags = Done, noticeable improvement 5. Add Keywords to description = Done, no noticeable improvement 6. Make trustworthy clients = I have regular clients who place big orders. No noticeable improvement 7. Increase your conversion rate = Could be improved I'm sure 8. Have a good Average Selling Rate = It's very good. No noticeable improvement 9. Become a Higher Level Seller = I have been level 2 for 9 years. No noticeable improvement 10. Promote your Gigs on Social Media = This does not work, unless you have a big following who is interested in your services. All SEO credit goes to Fiverr, not to your gig 11. Create multiple gigs in the same category = Done. No noticeable improvement 12. Complete Regular Orders = No noticeable improvement I should also add 13. Maintain high ratings = No noticeable effect 14. Maintain low cancellation ratio = No noticeable effect 15. Maintain fast response time = No noticeable effect 16. Respond to all messages = No noticeable effect 17. Avoid late deliveries = No noticeable effect 18. Avoid warnings = No noticeable effect 19. Include gig videos = No noticeable effect So Fiverr does not really do much to encourage any of the above, except to allow you to keep a higher level, but if your gigs are on the last page, there's really no difference if you're level 2 or level 0.
  24. Pretty sure it said only that you get a badge, and nothing else. And the badge probably (Correct me if I'm wrong) only shows on your profile, not next to your gig in search to make it more noticeable. So there should be zero difference if you have it or don't have it. But maybe there's some secret algorithm that they aren't telling us about where a specific badge is more likely to make your gig elgible to be promoted, for example.
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