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Opened my own company using Fiverr money


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“Bharath Made”!

YOU DA MVP! bows head

Is the company related to what you do on Fiverr or did you use your Fiverr income to start a new business?

It’s a nice success story. Please make sure you send a tweet to Nirmala Sitaraman, they regularly feature stories, provide mentor-ship and startup capital to entrepreneurs under the government scheme.

Thank you,

I used Fiverr income to start a new business.

Ya sure, i will tweet Nirmala Sitaraman, Thank you for sharing information.

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Very inspiring story @darshanc ,

I am really happy to know fiverr is changing lives, And I am working towards mine too although it’s not really much to get me finish my school at least it’s paying some bills.

Thank you Fiverr.

Thank you,

Yes, fiverr does change our lives. All the best to you also.

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