Hi Kesha !
After reviewing the new level system, I have concerns about several contradictory areas and fear this will have significant consequences.
• Established sellers
With new metrics, my level right now is at 0 which in my opinion is just unfair.. as a Seller who has been performing on Fiverr for so many years(10 years) consistently maintaining high scores in every criterion is now being forced to level down only because of one single criterion which is success score(is it really needed for well-established sellers??). It feels like starting nursery school again after achieving distinction in college 😀 (As with new level 0, I will be competing with new sellers who have 5 orders whereas mine are 90711 orders completed)
If we consider the data from the past two years for the new level system, you will see that I have successfully completed over 90,000 orders for more than 64,000 unique clients. I have earned a seven-figure income while maintaining a 4.9 rating and a 100% response rate. These statistics prove that I have been performing exceptionally well in all areas. Without such a high level of performance, it would not be possible to have such a massive clientele and complete so many orders
I kindly request that fiverr should consider all the data equally, instead of giving priority only to the success score. For instance, the qualifying criteria for the next level is five orders, and if it's nearly 20000 times more than the decided value, then what's the benefit of that? Besides, I have already acquired 64,941 unique clients, whereas I only need three. However, currently, there seems to be no advantage, and the importance is the same as that of a new seller or level 0. Therefore, I urge you to consider all the data equally and not give undue weightage to the success score alone.
• Grace period
During the grace period, I am required to improve my ratings, response rate, number of orders, unique clients, earnings, and success score. All other criteria, except the success score which is a major factor in determining the seller's level, can be improved within a month.
However, I have completed approximately 25,000 orders in the last two years. It seems unrealistic to rectify my success score within a month with this huge number of completed orders. To change my success score, I would need to complete almost 25000 orders or more in a month, which is an unfeasible goal to achieve.
• New Review System
Fiverr provides a wide range of categories where freelancers can offer their services. These services can be either straightforward or creative in nature. However, the review system on the platform can be stressful for many professional freelancers as it primarily depends on statistics. The current review system requires clients to provide complex reviews while freelancers are only given a simple 5-star tool with a comment section. Moreover, the "value for the money" aspect of the review system is subjective in nature. The fact that a client hired a freelancer should automatically imply that they found their service worth paying for, without the need for a separate review category.
The recent metric system for reviews has been a source of confusion for many buyers. It is important to emphasize that while ratings are important, they should not overshadow the talent and skills that we bring to each project. Please make the review process effortless for buyers instead of creating a complex selection.
Other than that to conclude everything that I feel is fair.
1. Sellers who have consistently performed well on this platform for many years should be reviewed manually, rather than through AI or auto-calculation. They should be given appropriate levels based on their performance, or allowed to keep the same level as before.
2. Success Score should only consider very recent data, with a maximum of 60 days.
3. The review system should be simplified, rather than being overly complex
Hoping to see all positive changes implemented during the grace period. 🤞