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It's been two weeks, five detailed gigs and no orders yet. Why people? What am I doing wrong?


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Dear Adnan:

Watch Reservoir Dogs, then rehearse, then re-do the video.

Re-do it as many times as it takes for you to look polished.

Try to find a different background (don’t be brushing against the curtains, it’s distracting).

Put the camera on a tri-pod.

Good luck,



I quite like your video. I would remove the part where you discuss receiving your first 5 star rating, though. When you have received 3, 4 or 5 reviews, this line of text may confuse the viewer.

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Since yesterday, I’ve received 43 views and 32 clicks on this gig but no order. That was alarming for me. Maybe it isn’t alarming for others. But from how I understand, there was something wrong in my description. I learned from other fellow writers and edited my description.

Looking forward to results by tomorrow. We will see what happens to views, clicks and orders. Those who read my earlier description will be in a better position to judge the difference. Hope you will like it more. 🙂

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Dear Adnan:

I used to point posts like this one to an article that clicks and views are meaningless statistics, but that post went away with the Forum upgrade.

Don’t stress over clicks and views.

I may be a Level 2 seller who has been here for about two years now, but there was a lot of trial and error along the way (and I mean A LOT). Despite the fact that I have a 99% overall rating with over 1,000 completed orders, I'm nowhere near "perfect" and I continue to learn new things daily. (I'm really not trying to toot my own horn... I swear!) Below, I have included a list of tried and true do's and don'ts. I learned from my fiverr blunders, so I'd like to share my acquired wisdom. My …

Hey guys! Let's cut straight to the chase. You're a new seller (or maybe even an older seller experiencing a sales slum). Here are my 3 top tips to generating sales: 1. Interlink your services and create related gigsI've seen many new sellers fall into two traps when first creating their gigs. One of these traps is to create multiple gigs which are essentially the same thing (such as "create modern logo design", "create a unique logo", "design your logo") in the hopes of getting more t…

Buyer Requests (BR) is FOR BUYERS to request custom offers from Sellers. (see Key Terms etc. in following link on what is a buyer, a seller, an order, an offer, a gig etc. and memorize them - it´s easier to get correct replies on the forum when you post about issues, if you use the correct terms so everyone knows what you´re talking about: https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service) It is NOT for Sellers to post their Gigs and services and offers, actually that can get you into trouble. Kindly do…

Have you been struggling to get orders? Then you've probably looked at the Buyer Request section a few times now, and maybe you've sent a few offers. As a buyer whose posted requests before, here are some tips for how to actually appeal to the seller: Edit before you send. Make sure that your grammar and spelling is correct and that your sentences flow and make sense. The buyer won't sit there for ten minutes trying to figure out what you had tried to say and they are very unlikely to message…

Your goal is sales, and Buyer Requests may be a key tool, at least until you make it to Level 1.

Good luck,

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