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It's been two weeks, five detailed gigs and no orders yet. Why people? What am I doing wrong?


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The question is pretty self-explanatory. I’ve done my very best to make a perfect gig and have included everything I possibly could. But no orders at all. Only 6 views, 5 clicks and loads of impressions but no orders.

What’s wrong here? Please guide. Thanks.

Guest offlinehelpers

Hi there!

Looking at your article writing gig, 300 words for $5 just isn’t really enough to start off I’m afraid - have a look at what other article writers are charging and see what I mean.

Your gig description can have up to 1200 characters - try to use as many of them as you can! You say you’re experienced - perhaps you could explain how, and why buyers should choose your services.

Also, your gig types don’t really go together - it’s as if you’ve picked random ideas, and thought ‘I could do that!’.

Just my opinion, and hope this helps!


Gig description - superb advice. Gig types, well because yes I have done all these kinds of things for clients previously.

Definitely helped. I want to increase the word count but I am afraid that there won’t be much to earn then. But I think you are right, to start with, I’ll have to take a few bold steps.

Thanks for suggesting dear! 🙂


Dear Writer Gump:

I took a quick look at your profile:

Your profile image: No suggestions.
Your log line: This is a slogan that appears under your user name. You don’t have one. You should get one and make it cool.
Your profile text – note the edits:

All I know is how to write and I write really well. With a fast turnaround time, all of my gigs are original, high quality, spell checked, and well researched. For me, the single most important thing is your satisfaction. -WriterGump

It seems incongruous for a writer to compare himself to Forrest Gump. I don’t know if that’s your intention.

All your gigs should have video, 3 images, 2 pdfs, and so on…

Make a video of yourself talking to the camera, because this approach garners IMMEDIATE RESULTS. Include additional samples in the video!

The images should not look like stock generic photos. Use the pdfs to show samples of your writing.

You need to look at similar gigs and make yours more competitive.

Nota Bene: Westerners do not like to be called, “Dear,” by Sellers.

Good luck,

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Be sure to make use of Tools like the Fiverr Blog, Fiverr Academy, and Fiverrcast.

If you take the time to earn your Autobiographer Badge, particularly adding a link to your Fiverr profile, other forum participants will be able to easily view your information.

As a general rule, when I have time to participate in the Fiverr Forum and I notice a request like yours in the “Improve My Gig” section, I am willing and able to look at a Seller’s Profile and one gig one time.

I can give you a better level of assistance if you first work your way through the checklist below. That way, I won’t waste your one turn by advising you to follow items on the checklist.

Dear Fiverr Seller: I didn’t take a look at your gig, but here is a checklist that may help: Polish your English: spelling, grammar, punctuation, and so on. Are you trying to reach US English speakers or international English speakers? Make sure your phrasing is consistent with your target audience. Remember that buyers are on Fiverr so that you will solve THEIR problems. You are here to provide SOLUTIONS. There is no place for negativity in your copy. Don’t say, I live in a third world…

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Buyer Requests (BR) is FOR BUYERS to request custom offers from Sellers. (see Key Terms etc. in following link on what is a buyer, a seller, an order, an offer, a gig etc. and memorize them - it´s easier to get correct replies on the forum when you post about issues, if you use the correct terms so everyone knows what you´re talking about: https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service) It is NOT for Sellers to post their Gigs and services and offers, actually that can get you into trouble. Kind…

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Absolutely brilliant suggestions. I highly value them.

Forrest Gump, yes you are right. This movie has always inspired me. So while registering for this website. Out of nowhere, I felt an extreme urge to compare my writing abilities to the Forrest Gumps running ones. Because a few year back, I could not speak English. It ain’t my native language so it’s been an steep learning curve. Mmmm it’s kind of a long story and years of hard work I would say. Specially because I’ve been in to Marketing and Programming as well.

I’ll implement all the changes and reply back for suggestions. Thank you so much wonderful people here! 🙂

Guest offlinehelpers


Absolutely brilliant suggestions. I highly value them.

Forrest Gump, yes you are right. This movie has always inspired me. So while registering for this website. Out of nowhere, I felt an extreme urge to compare my writing abilities to the Forrest Gumps running ones. Because a few year back, I could not speak English. It ain’t my native language so it’s been an steep learning curve. Mmmm it’s kind of a long story and years of hard work I would say. Specially because I’ve been in to Marketing and Programming as well.

I’ll implement all the changes and reply back for suggestions. Thank you so much wonderful people here! 🙂

I can understand the comparison to Forrest Gump from a motivational point of view - he ran, and just kept going - there’s a lesson in there for all of us!

Could I suggest that perhaps you should still work on your English skills? I’m not saying that to be unkind, but you’ve described your English as ‘fluent’, and that’s what buyers will expect, especially if they are fluent in English themselves.

Good luck!



Yes, you are right. There’s always more room for improvement and am giving myself enough time to learn more. At the same time, I believe it’s good to write challenging articles. Eventually, it helps to improve and rather works as a catalyst in overhauling your skills.

I think I’ve served many clients and they all like my services. So perhaps I should focus on marketing my gigs better. So I believe it’s time to edit my gigs.



For someone that couldn’t speak English a few years back, I must say you are really doing very well. Just keep editing your gigs to make them better, and don’t forget to use the Buyer Requests page. It has helped me a lot, and I believe it will help you too. I wish you all the best on Fiverr!



Appreciate that motivational comment, thanks.

I’ve paused all my gigs except one. Edited it a few times and then made one more with slight changes. So just two gigs overall, to start with.

@offlinehelpers @blaisefaint @benjamin5va
What do you think about my gigs now? Will soon add a video too. Just designed and added a new picture myself, added a few samples, utilized all those 1200 characters, targeted tags, profile edit and more. Looking forward to hear your comments now.


Guest offlinehelpers


Appreciate that motivational comment, thanks.

I’ve paused all my gigs except one. Edited it a few times and then made one more with slight changes. So just two gigs overall, to start with.

@offlinehelpers @blaisefaint @benjamin5va

What do you think about my gigs now? Will soon add a video too. Just designed and added a new picture myself, added a few samples, utilized all those 1200 characters, targeted tags, profile edit and more. Looking forward to hear your comments now.


Well done you - that looks and reads much better!

I hope you get lots of sales!


Problem is not you are Wrong, Problem is others are right as well
there are a lot of buyers a lot, But they are not able to find you because of your previous NIL history, You need to send buyer request and perhaps you’ll have to do $20 job for $5 for now, I have also done it in past when i had 2 reviews

I gave 32 revisions, I was about to get died but suddenly i saw notification saying “Congrats ***** just gave you a positive review” and i still think those reviews helped me a lot going further 🙂

So in this case you firstly need reviews and not money, Send buyer requests and you’ll succeed




Appreciate that motivational comment, thanks.

I’ve paused all my gigs except one. Edited it a few times and then made one more with slight changes. So just two gigs overall, to start with.

@offlinehelpers @blaisefaint @benjamin5va

What do you think about my gigs now? Will soon add a video too. Just designed and added a new picture myself, added a few samples, utilized all those 1200 characters, targeted tags, profile edit and more. Looking forward to hear your comments now.


Dear Adnan:

I don’t know that 500 words for $5 is competitive in your niche. You’ll probably need to verify that.

And for your upgrades, you’re not really offering more for the money. They are not really different from gig multiples.

When you’re at Level 2, you will have 10 multiples available. In that case, the Buyer would get more benefit (10 articles for $50 with a 1-day delivery time, versus your premium package of 10 articles for $50 with a 5-day delivery time).

You’re not thinking 4th dimensionally! Doc Brown would be so > disappointed in you!

Seriously, you need to check out the Top Rated Sellers in your niche and make yourself more competitive.

You should also have the flexibility to make these single articles with higher word counts, as opposed to specifying multiple articles of 500 words each. That kind of nuance can be hard to make clear in packages. You’ll probably adjust based on Buyer feedback.

Also, you still haven’t added your Fiver profile link to your Forum profile.

Good luck,


P.S. And now you’ve used your one turn with me. Hopefully others will be able to give you more feedback as your further tweak your stuff.



Noted, will be taken care of. As I am just starting out, I do not want to burn myself by over-selling and under-delivering. I’d rather play it safe than be sorry. It might take me a few weeks to expand but would like to do so with a firm plan. In future, am planning to open-up a software house to cater bulk orders in no time.


Agreed. Success never comes easy. It will take time but I’ll be fine. I am up for it.


Thank you for discussing my first gig order. Messaged you.



Noted, will be taken care of. As I am just starting out, I do not want to burn myself by over-selling and under-delivering. I’d rather play it safe than be sorry. It might take me a few weeks to expand but would like to do so with a firm plan. In future, am planning to open-up a software house to cater bulk orders in no time.


Agreed. Success never comes easy. It will take time but I’ll be fine. I am up for it.


Thank you for discussing my first gig order. Messaged you.

Congrats on your 1st order 🙂



Thank you for your first order. Appreciate it. Please check your emails, I’ve already delivered the article 🙂 It took me four hours of detailed research and writing. Maybe because I am not that all in to serial killers writing.

But that’s the thing, I can write about any topic with my detailed research, passion and willingness to write original and best quality write-up.

Hope you will like it. Added 140+ words to a 500 words article as a bonus! 🙂 Hope you will love that too.


For those who recommended a buyer request, I tried sending a buyer’s request to promote my service. But it was not only unaccepted but I was warned from doing that again. Not sure how did you guys use buyers request to get work.

Guest offlinehelpers

For those who recommended a buyer request, I tried sending a buyer’s request to promote my service. But it was not only unaccepted but I was warned from doing that again. Not sure how did you guys use buyers request to get work.

No you don’t send a buyer’s request - you go through the buyers’ requests and see if anyone’s looking for your services - e.g. does anyone want an article written.



Thank you for your first order. Appreciate it. Please check your emails, I’ve already delivered the article 🙂 It took me four hours of detailed research and writing. Maybe because I am not that all in to serial killers writing.

But that’s the thing, I can write about any topic with my detailed research, passion and willingness to write original and best quality write-up.

Hope you will like it. Added 140+ words to a 500 words article as a bonus! 🙂 Hope you will love that too.

Thank you, i am impressed 🙂 That was fast and spot on. I am actually gonna double use the article (blog article and youtube video description) :stuck_out_tongue:

I will come back (if you are not tired of serial killers) 🙂


By the way, I should definitely give a vouch to @wp_kid who recommended me to start a forum thread and ask for opinion first. It’s only because of his guidance and keen suggestions of you people that made all this possible. Thank you.

Looking forward to a great feedback from @therelaxer - Fingers crossed, let’s see. 🙂
Edit: I could not post this due to new user limitations. I am glad you loved the article. I would definitely write more for you.

Let’s hope for more orders. Wish me luck guys 🙂 If I can help anyone here, it would be all my pleasure.

Edit: @offlinehelpers Noted, thanks.

Edit: Finally, after long waiting of 4 hours as maybe I surpassed the amount of posts I can make as a new user here. I could post again! 🙂 Waiting for more orders. Let’s see how this goes.


By the way, I should definitely give a vouch to @wp_kid who recommended me to start a forum thread and ask for opinion first. It’s only because of his guidance and keen suggestions of you people that made all this possible. Thank you.

Looking forward to a great feedback from @therelaxer - Fingers crossed, let’s see. 🙂

Edit: I could not post this due to new user limitations. I am glad you loved the article. I would definitely write more for you.

Let’s hope for more orders. Wish me luck guys 🙂 If I can help anyone here, it would be all my pleasure.

Edit: @offlinehelpers Noted, thanks.

Edit: Finally, after long waiting of 4 hours as maybe I surpassed the amount of posts I can make as a new user here. I could post again! 🙂 Waiting for more orders. Let’s see how this goes.

I feel happy for you. Though you started new business on Fiverr, but you have a lot of web experience. Soo you will have lot of orders. Good Luck.


Just an update, I’ve made a quick video and submitted at Fiverr. It seems like they may take around 24 hours to review and approve the video.

I had a lot of different ideas but thought to get started with a practical approach rather than an ideal ones. So it’s kind of an “okay and so-so” video. I could do much better but really wish to get some feedback on my video when it’s live.



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