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A Buyer's Perspective


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By all means, I would never ask bidders to short change themselves. I say bid what you feel your talent is worth. 😊

What I should have said in the original post is “ONE buyer perspective” vs “A buyers perspective.” My one humbles opinion is by no means all encompassing.

I work on a budget, so I post my max. Many times I end up giving tip that maxes it out for those that bid under. 😀

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I had the same problem with my first two buys in a row a year or so ago. Put a bad taste in my mouth & I almost left permanently. I gave one last try & behold, got an amazing product. The problem is some sellers are on vacation or just quit but never disabled their gig.

Now, I put in bid request for active sellers to bid on. I’ve been really happy going this route. The only bad thing aboutt going this route is picking one of so many talented bidders. I wish I could hire them all.

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Buyer’s or seller’s perspective doesn’t make sense to be honest. As a seller, I have seen buyers -

  • who wants MOON in $5
  • who are not clear in their requests
  • are clear and to the point as well
  • who wants free demos and they never come back to you
  • who wants you to deliver first and they want to pay later

etc etc.

I think it’s a part of learning and growing out of it.

As a buyer, it shouldn’t hurt you to read all the responses from different sellers. Anyways you would pick the one eventually for your own reasons.

As a seller, it shouldn’t hurt you to check the buyers requests and apply on what you’re comfortable working with.

Even the fingers in our hands are not of same size. Forget about each others perspectives. You’ll always meet both relevant and irrelevant buyers and sellers. It’s all about knowing what you want to do, keep trying, learn something from everything you do and repeat.

Good luck to both buyers and sellers. If you have succeeded then great, keep it up. If you haven’t, just don’t lose your heart and keep trying. But don’t try in the same way you have been doing.

I hope it helps to some of us, if not all.


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Interesting …

I thought or assumed (you know what that spells out) sellers liked receiving $$ tips, so I always try to set aside a few extra bucks in my budget. It’s good to hear the perspective from a seller to let me know otherwise.

Like I always say, if you don’t tell me, I won’t know. Thanks for the advice. I’ll quit ranting on and on about leaving/giving tips.

You are one seller who knows what you are worth. I like the way you get straight to the point. I’ve been told by many people (like my editors) that I use the word “feel” too often in my writing.

Best on your gigs.

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Give newbies a chance!!!

I actually got so fed up trying to work out if it’s worth it, that I tried a little experiment. I put exactly the same job out to 10 different designers. They all came back. I paid the following amounts for the same thing;

7 x $5
2 x £10
1 x $20

I can say with absolute certainty that the WORST one we got was the $20 one. The most expensive one. It was so bad that I actually just paid it and threw it in the bin rather that trying to get them to make changes.

The best one and the one that we now use for all our client facing reports etc was a $5 one. So now I know, find a designer that you like and stick with them for $5 a time. I was a really good and valuable experiment. The reality is, there’s just some really terrible designers out there who look like they’re using MS Paint and charge the same as some really skilled people. Some you’ll win, some you’ll lose.


p.s. To the original post. In many countries, 50 cents per hour is a perfectly good income. Why do you think these sites do so well? 🙂

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It’s been 4 days on my fiverr. I already used fiverr since last 1 year. But due to some reasons I can not continue that ID. This is my new ID, but no one is going to hire me, because I have no reviews. But trust me, I have a portfolio and I can do best work. I just need a chance. Thank you.

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