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How To Use Buyer Requests To Get Actual Results


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As you may all know getting orders through Buyer Requests is pretty tough to say the least not just for newbies but for even level 2 sellers like me. When I started out I sent requests to whomever I could without putting much thought in it which now I realize was a very poor approach. In the last couple months I’ve experimented and tried countless different methods/approaches and found a few recurring patterns. In order to help you make the most of the 10 requests you are allowed to send within 24 hours I’ll be sharing you with all the advice you need to follow to maximize conversion through Buyer Requests

  1. Never apply for any request if 15 people have already sent a request. It pretty much becomes useless if you do, save your requests you only get 10 a day.
  2. Always keep the buyer requests open in a separate tab and keep checking back ever half hours until you see some new requests.
  3. Carefully read what the buyer wants. You won’t believe how many people send buyer requests without even reading what the buyer wants and when they do reply they end up telling them they can’t do it. Not cool guys, read them carefully before sending any proposals.
  4. Feel like the buyer request haven’t updated in the last 24 hours? Scroll down and you’ll see a lot of new ones. This happens because buyers can bump their gigs to the top once again after they are posted.
  5. When someone says they are looking for a long term relation they mostly are but they are also looking for the lowest rate they can get. I recommend you send a proposal with a somewhat low price and then raise it after the first order. Sounds a bit underhanded but it does work.

If anyone needs any kind of advice, help or guidance feel free to ask I’ll be happy to help.

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  1. Feel like the buyer request haven’t updated in the last 24 hours? Scroll down and you’ll see a lot of new ones. This happens because buyers can bump their gigs to the top once again after they are posted.

about this one, when you scroll down, how do you know if its a new one? since there are no posting time indicator, which i hope this will be added

thanks, nice info btw

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Guest silkroute

Really good, practical tips. If there were an option to report people who misuse the buyer requests tab to advertise themselves that’d be great. Maybe @customer support can look into it? It happens to me every day.

I log in to see buyer requests, and 4 out of 10 are people who are not buyers at all, they are sellers advertising their services there. Anxiety inducing as it already is to wait for new buyer requests to pop up, this form of dilution of quality of buyer requests is a big turn off. After clicking ‘remove request’ so many times, one tends to become jaded. These are just sellers hijacking the buyer request thread, and as a result it results in buyers not finding sellers and vice versa. It just dilutes the Fiverr experience.

TL;DR : I hope Fiverr takes care of spammers masquerading in the buyers request tab as it is a big impediment to getting ‘actual results’

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Guest ralucamath

There are a lot of buyers who advertise themselves and that’s really annoying. If Customer Support gets rid of them, then the Buyer Request tab will be useful. There are also a lot of sellers that apply for a Buyer Request without reading it and that’s also annoying and in this way, the Buyer won’t know which to choose because of those “spam messages”.

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I also don’t agree with No 1. I use to think like that until I read a thread here on Fiverr forum that really changed my perception on that. According to that thread, the Buyer is also a Seller who posted a request on the Buyers Request, He made me understand that it is not about how many persons who sent offers but about how detailed the Seller was able to define the kind of services he will offer. Since then, I have gotten jobs even as a 25th person. I just make sure I make my offer compelling and interesting with a reasonable price. To beat any competition even in the real life, you must present something more unique than your competitors. As a matter of fact, all the Jobs I have done on Fiverr since I started came from the Buyers Request. Of course, there are other times when I was among the first 5 to send offers and I didn’t get the job. The secret is to follow your intuition on the Job to bid for.

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