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In Fiverr everyone gets a chance


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Hello Everyone,

Since being in fiverr for long time, learned so many things.

One thing made me happy in fiverr is that everyone gets a chance to sell there gigs, for example in fiverr homepage you can see so many gigs are displayed, one row will have top sellers, another average and other for new sellers. This made new sellers get views and orders for their gig. Fiverr trying best as it can, new sellers and other sellers also try their best to attract customers.

So new sellers don’t loose hopes, try your best and you will be successful one day.

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Guest sawan0103

thank you for motivation to new sellers like me. I am new seller on fiverr! Can someone tell me that my profile and gigs are correct ?

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Guest ralucamath

Fiverr progressed a lot since last year. It introduced new features for both sellers and buyers as well. I am very proud that I take part to this community and congrats, Fiverr for what you’re doing for us!

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