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Some bad habits of Buyers and how to avoid them as a professional Designer


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Well yep, it’s full of fake gigs that take the job of good designers. The best thing will be always to look for sellers that have positive reviews, read the reviews and see everything that customers said about them. Sometimes, in rare cases you should even message the seller and ask him/her to clarify what do they offer, how many revisions they are going to provide you with, send you some samples of their previous work.

It’s really easy to spot is some seller is using pre-made templates for the designs. You will notice that some of the sellers deliver the same designs with changed colors for many clients.

Good luck! And I do hope that you’re going to find a good seller/sellers that will be the best ones for you. 🙂

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I am aware of these thing from sellers side and one thing I want to make it clear that as I am a seller and posted a topic about the bad habits of buyers that doesn’t mean that I am bias……Sellers too have bad habits and they must improve that….i think my next post should meant for that…
Both buyers and sellers must be responsible and professional for being a successful salesperson….🙂

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I like your article very much… because i am also designer and these all points applicable to every designer. i have experienced these points even some of them recently.

Some Buyers do not know what they actually want. i normally gave 1 or 2 revisions. if Buyer need more then he have to buy it. i always used to quick chit chat with buyer before get started to the work and now its very rare chance that i ll get any problem during the order. 🙂
Good Luck !!

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Great tips to avoid these bad habits but the one who just started his journey here and just reached level 1, Looking for orders and waiting for buyers and gets buyer after a long time, how should he handle the situation like this to avoid negative reviews???
I personally experienced with few of buyers in starts who asked for unlimited revisions and free sample after that they ordered but their revisions and late replies from them tought me one thing and that is Patience 🙂
I am getting orders but still find some buyers who ask for free sample and as a new seller I can not neglect it as still I am looking to get flow in orders…

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Hi! I fully defend your stance and written as I myself experienced the same thing. Let me add one thing more that there are many buyers who just get free of cost logo and other wanted things in this way that when deliver sample to them that sample is just enough to their requirements. so avoid all these things.

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yes i totally agree @jeelala…no matter if you are in level one or two or a TRS…providing sample is like you are not respecting your own hard work…
@khurram7575 …Providing unlimited revisions is up to you but then you can’t complain to the buyer when he/she asks for revisions again and again…also youl may get stuck to one project which will not prove worthy to you…Its all up to you…Just follow your rules and get the things right…

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If you have offered unlimited revisions then the buyer may not accept your extras and you have no option left…but to do that…Just ask for the final revisions and I really don’t know if this is the right way to deal …as per i understand on your situation… is that just deliver the file which you already done without the new revisions so that delivery time will not affect,…and when the buyer come online…you can communicate with the buyer about the extras…
If nothing works then you can contact CS about the whole matter…Thankyou

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