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One from my favorite author Timothy Ferris ‘Four Hour Workweek’. It is not on making money online or freelancing but on ‘how to design one’s lifestyle, remote working and automated business’. It is the bestseller in this category. It definitely touches upon ‘making money online or freelancing’. Read it yourself. Tim is terrific.

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Wait, you read a book a day? I read a book a month (sometimes longer - there´s always something that distracts me), LOL. Well except when the book is really good I can read it within one week. I used to like magazines. I could read two magazines a day (but that doesn´t mean I read everything in the magazine. I read things what I wanted to read and that was it). I don´t remember anymore when was the last time I bought a printed magazine.

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Oh economics, you may give a chance to Amartya Sen’s writings for a serious reading. May be you like his book ‘The Argumentative Indian’. It is more of philosophy, less of economics. If you want to read a lighter one, give a chance to ‘Freaknomics’. On politics, there are good books. You can read ‘India after Gandhi’ . You can read Chomasky’s books as well. I am an avid reader myself. I read all the books- fiction and non fiction. Wow, I never thought that someone might like to read contemporary economic writings. Are you an economist by chance?

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For one, I would never touch Amartya Sen…he is a failed economist, each and every idea of his (such as the Kerala Model) has failed. But I have read all of Jagdish Bhagwati books, as well as that of Hayek, Friedman and Thomas Sowell. I have read Piketty and Keynes as well, to get their point of view. And seriously, you expect me to read Ram Guha’s books? The guy is seriously overrated and panders to a failed Nehruvian ideology. And no, I am not a particularly educated guy, if by education you mean degrees and qualifications. But I’m probably one of the most well-read guys you will ever meet 🙂

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And yeah, I’ve read Freakonomics as well. In fact, I’ve read every book short-listed and long-listed on FT Goldman Sachs Best Business book awards. (I think Goldman Sachs is no longer a part of it.) Last 2 years I haven’t read anything though, was too busy making money 🙂

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You declared Amartya Sen as failed and even did so with Nehruvian ideology 🙂 As a core economist, I know one thing that every ideology/model fails with time. Economics is a dynamic science. Bhagwati’s hypothesis holds mostly true in contemporary scenario but it will fail one day. In economics, we study all the theories- old and new, failed and successful. We read such theories to understand the factors which got changed. No new conceptualization in economics has originated without the dated theories. It is a personal preference to follow what is successful in contemporary times but every economy has a cyclic growth, so macroeconomic situations change.
It is good to know that you are very well read. I myself was an avid reader for good part of my life but I prefer to be well-traveled over well-read and somehow I can not read while travelling, not even on Kindle 🙂

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Well, I don’t know if Bhagwati’s ideology - free market capitalism - will ever fail, even if does at a later point, I can’t see anything that would successfully replace it. Bhagwati’s, Hayek’s and Friedman’s model are the reason why the First World is the First World and Sen’s ideology and Nehruvianism is the reason why India is third world and why Venezuela is what it is today and why the Soviet Union collapsed. The two models/ideologies cannot be equated…one has seen nothing but failure wherever it has been applied and the other is responsible for the resounding success of the West, Japan, and now China and South-East Asia.

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Thanks. i didn’t know if he used a more traditional name when publishing. I found it. It’s called “How Writers Make Money on Fiverr: True Stories from a Top Rated Seller” if anyone else happens across this thread and is interested in it.

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